Construct, with support, the meaning of simple signed texts in American Sign Language.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Recognize and understand the complete manual alphabet, basic ASL hand shapes and numbers 1 – 20.
(b) Comprehend a repertoire of high frequency words and phrases used to communicate in predictable contexts such as when with friends and family or during holidays.
(c) Analyze the relationships between common handshapes and location of signs, common facial expressions and their role in making different meanings.
(d) Identify basic ASL structures such as questions and statements.
(e) View and understand, in guided situations, a variety of visuals and other media and communication forms (e.g., charts, graphics, illustrations, videos, digital media) to aid in signing comprehension.
(f) Examine the cultural influences on signed language including Plains Indian Sign Language, Langue des Signes Québécoise (LSQ) and Black American Sign Language.