Select, use and reflect on a variety of strategies to express oneself in American Sign Language.

* For further information and suggestions for additional strategies, see Appendix A.

Indicators for this outcome
(a) Use and reflect on a variety of cognitive strategies* to enhance communication, such as:
  • compare and contrast aspects of ASL and students’ other languages;
  • group together sets of signs (vocabulary, structures) with similar characteristics; or,
  • make information easier to understand and remember by using reference points and initiatives like classifiers and body shifts.
(b) Demonstrate and reflect on a variety of interactive and affective strategies* to enhance communication, such as:
  • work cooperatively with peers in small groups to rehearse or role-play language use;
  • assess feedback from conversation partner to recognize when the message has not been understood (e.g., squinted eyes, blank look, head shake) and start again using a different tactic when communication breaks down; or,
  • use new signs which occur in conversations, making use of them as soon as appropriate and asking for confirmation that a form used is appropriate.
(c) Practise and reflect on a variety of productive strategies* to enhance communication, such as:
  • apply knowledge of sentence patterns and ASL structure to form new sentences;
  • employ circumlocution and definition to compensate for gaps in vocabulary; or
  • practise facial expressions, movement, location and non-manual signals (e.g., facial expressions, mouth morphemes, head nod/shake, shoulder shift/contrastive structure/spatial organization) to assist in effective communication.