Apply knowledge of American Sign Language, in familiar situations and for a variety of purposes, to receive information, extend knowledge of the world, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Summarize the main idea and supporting details of signed texts on familiar topics such as music or expressing personal thoughts and opinions.
(b) Interpret and follow multi-step signed directions to complete a task related to familiar topics such as activities in the school or shopping.
(c) Identify the purpose of signed text (e.g., to describe, retell, persuade, entertain or instruct).
(d) Describe the elements of a signed fictional short story (e.g., character, setting, plot, conflict, theme).
(e) Make inferences by interpreting signed text and identify and justify the evidence on which the inferences were based.
(f) Derive information from signed text and represent it with graphics to assist with comprehension and memory of signs (e.g., word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts).
(g) Investigate a variety of media (e.g., articles, blogs/vlogs, poetry, film, drama) produced in ASL.
(h) Respond to communication with others by acknowledging requests, granting or denying permission, accepting or refusing invitations and indicating choice from among several options.
(i) Identify more sophisticated techniques (e.g., play on signs) used to convey humour in ASL.