Produce, independently, a variety of signed texts in American Sign Language.

*For further information and suggestions for additional grammatical elements, see Appendix B.

Indicators for this outcome
(a) Combine a variety of complex sentences and phrases using accurate grammar in familiar and unfamiliar contexts such as activities in the community or groceries and meal preparation.
(b) Express language with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary to communicate in spontaneous situations.
(c) Apply the five parameters of ASL (handshape, movement, palm orientation, location, facial expressions) to effectively express information and feelings.
(d) Employ several common variations in signing (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity) and non-manual markers (e.g., facial expressions and body language) to effectively communicate information and feelings.
(e) Express meaning using a variety of visual and other media and communication forms.
(f) Apply grammatical elements* such as rhetorical questions, relative pronouns or indefinite pronouns, appropriately and fluently in conversations about familiar and unfamiliar contexts.