Refine fundamentals and demonstrate advanced vocal technique.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Sing with breath support (e.g., practise appropriate breathing technique and recognize how it helps support sound production, vocal health and characteristic tone quality).
(b) Collaborate with peers, with teacher guidance, to develop criteria for high quality singing considering cultural context.
(c) Discern pitch variances and make appropriate adjustments.
(d) Create own vocal warmup sequences for purposes related to the repertoire.
(e) Practise healthy ways to expand own range.
(f) Discuss the difference between performance range versus singable range (e.g., singable range might be A# or B but would not use that range in production).
(g) Demonstrate effective transition in accessing different registrations and evenness of tone throughout the range (i.e., passaggio).
(h) Apply, with guidance, a well-supported characteristic tone quality as appropriate to the repertoire.
(i) Enact principles of vocal anatomy and terminology (e.g., how does one support breathing, the role of articulators and resonators in enunciation).
(j) Consistently demonstrate appropriate diction required of the language and repertoire demands.
(k) Demonstrate and articulate the importance of proper posture and body alignment for singing.
(l) Demonstrate choral blend through vowel unity and modifying intonation with diverse repertoire.
(m) Identify factors and apply techniques for maintaining vocal health.