Critique a variety of live or recorded choral ensemble performances.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Seek out and select examples of choral performances to critique.
(b) Discuss components of a performance critique (e.g., analyze technique, assess interpretation, make informed opinions).
(c) Generate appropriate criteria for critique.
(d) Critique different arrangements of the same choral text.
(e) Differentiate among various genres and styles of choral performances.
(f) Demonstrate critical thinking during critique.
(g) Contribute to dialogue and common understanding of the selection.
(h) Probe and challenge assumptions about the selection.
(i) Determine the aesthetic qualities of the work.
(j) Examine and discuss interpretive decisions that reflect a particular musical style.
(k) Research, document and share information about various choirs, conductors, choral leaders and vocalists in Saskatchewan (e.g., Saskatchewan Choral Federation, Choral Canada).