Arts Education 10, 20, 30
Design and produce, individually or collaboratively, a multidisciplinary arts expression.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) | Research multidisciplinary arts examples to use as inspiration for own work (e.g., interview artists in person or online, search for project examples). |
(b) | Experiment with various tools, materials, techniques and technologies to combine multiple arts disciplines. |
(c) | Create a multidisciplinary project (e.g., individual student or small groups combine art forms, some students combine arts with other disciplines such as science or math). |
(d) | Document and reflect on ideas, skills, techniques and technologies incorporated in own multidisciplinary project (e.g., individual project or collaborative work). |

Principles of Music(2nd ed.)
This professional resource provides a very detailed and sequential approach to the teaching of music theory. It describes theory and harmony from basic to very advanced levels. Concepts such as scales and keys, intervals and chords are explored. Practice exercises and links to recordings are provided.

Culturally Sensitive Art Education in a Global World: A Handbook for Teachers
This teacher resource outlines lessons, topics, and themes associated with harmonious and collaborative interactions through culturally sensitive art education practices. There are questions and activities in each chapter to provide further consideration and investigation.

Red Man Laughing
This resource is a podcast that provides interviews highlighting Indigenous culture and contemporary issues in terms of artistic expression.
Links :
Click here
Media and Formats :
Price :

Record posted/updated:
June 27, 2022