Arts Education 10, 20, 30
Investigate how the arts support, influence and shape diverse communities (e.g., gender and
sexual diversity, people with disabilities, ethnic groups, popular music sub-cultures, social media-based
Indicators for this outcome
(a) | Examine local arts expressions and discuss the benefits to communities. |
(b) | Generate inquiry questions concerning the value of the arts for all members of communities. |
(c) | Advocate for the arts in own communities (e.g., create an visual display, exhibition or performance, commercial advertisement, podcast). |
(d) | Participate in a service learning opportunity involving the arts (e.g., performance at seniors’ home, raising money for foodbank through drama or dance production, selling art work). |

Decorative Arts
This book provides an overview of furniture, decorations, clothing and housewares that people have created and used across time and place. It shows how culture, politics and place have affected creative processes and artwork throughout history and around the world. This resource also includes a glossary of key terms and a list of books and websites for further study.

Postmodern Artists: Creators of a Cultural Movement
This book guides the reader through the challenging topic of defining and explaining Postmodernism. It includes art examples, artist explorations, brief biographies and thematic discussions.

Culturally Sensitive Art Education in a Global World: A Handbook for Teachers
This teacher resource outlines lessons, topics, and themes associated with harmonious and collaborative interactions through culturally sensitive art education practices. There are questions and activities in each chapter to provide further consideration and investigation.

Life Drawing: A Sketch and Textbook
This book is a combination of an instructional book and a sketchbook that guides the user through processes of drawing. Each project is explained step-by-step and is designed to build proficiency, understanding and skill in the art of drawing.

This resource introduces the influential and controversial work of artist, Salvador Dali. A brief description and image of his works are provided.

Red Man Laughing
This resource is a podcast that provides interviews highlighting Indigenous culture and contemporary issues in terms of artistic expression.
Links :
Click here
Media and Formats :
Price :

Record posted/updated:
June 27, 2022

The Art of Graffiti
This book explores the world of graffiti, highlighting the history and current context of the art form, with well written and detailed investigations into artists and their styles.

Dawn Marie Marchand
In this DVD, Dawn Marie Marchand, a Cree and Métis artist, tells of her inspiration for making art. She also speaks of the mourning taking place in Canada regarding Truth and Reconciliation and she describes her pain while making objects.

The Art of Graphic Communication
This book explores the history of graphic design from ancient forms of public communication to its use in social media and virtual reality.

Maker of Monsters: The Extraordinary Life of Beau Dick
This DVD is a film that explores the life of West Coast Indigenous carver, Beau Dick. We learn about the artist's creative process, his many influences including culture, history and activism, as well as the ways in which he is influencing the world by calling for environmental and cultural justice.