Band 10, 20, 30
Compose original music on or for band instruments.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) | Compose a melody using traditional notation or other graphic representation. |
(b) | Compose a piece of music (e.g., solo, duet or ensemble). |
(c) | Examine and brainstorm sources of inspiration for composition (e.g., motifs, riffs, music excerpts). |
(d) | Experiment with diverse music elements, techniques, tools, language and practices. |
(e) | Provide and incorporate feedback. |
(f) | Refine, finalize and share music creation. |
(g) | Articulate what musical, elements, techniques, tools, language and practices were used to create the composition. |
(h) | Discuss legal and ethical arts practices when composing or arranging (e.g., copyright, plagiarism). |
(i) | Use technology (e.g., recording or notation) to generate or complement musical material. |