Compose original music on or for band instruments.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Compose a melody using traditional notation or other graphic representation.
(b) Compose a piece of music (e.g., solo, duet or ensemble).
(c) Examine and brainstorm sources of inspiration for composition (e.g., motifs, riffs, music excerpts).
(d) Experiment with diverse music elements, techniques, tools, language and practices.
(e) Provide and incorporate feedback.
(f) Refine, finalize and share music creation.
(g) Articulate what musical, elements, techniques, tools, language and practices were used to create the composition.
(h) Discuss legal and ethical arts practices when composing or arranging (e.g., copyright, plagiarism).
(i) Use technology (e.g., recording or notation) to generate or complement musical material.