Examine how traditional and contemporary First Nations and Métis instrumental music has been preserved or changed over time.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Research and engage with Elders and local Métis and First Nations musicians and composers to discuss how music varies among communities and individuals.
(b) Investigate local protocols and traditional/natural laws related to creating and performing music (e.g., gifting of music, cultural appropriation).
(c) Discuss the historical context of Indigenous music traditions (e.g., forced relocations, banning of traditional music in Saskatchewan and elsewhere).
(d) Discuss examples of contemporary First Nations and Métis instrumentalists including how music has changed over time.
(e) Discuss how music has changed according to values and beliefs of the time and place (e.g., treaty education outcome SI12 - investigate the values and beliefs of self, family, community, and society in relation to the importance of honouring the spirit and intent of treaties).