Science 10
Career Investigation
Investigate career paths related to various branches and sub-branches of science. |

Nelson Science 10. Concepts and Connections
Nelson Science 10: Concepts and Connections was listed in the bibliography of resources to support Science 10 in 2005 and its components continue to be applicable for supporting the Science 10 (2014) curriculum.
Nelson Science 10. Concepts and Connections. Student Text
Nelson Science 10. Concepts and Connections. Teacher's Resource

Newfoundland and Labrador Science 10
This textbook consists of four units: Weather Dynamics, Chemical Reactions, Motion and Sustainability of Ecosystems. Each unit begins with preparatory questions and a launch of inquiry questions and ends with unit summary questions. There are investigation and project ideas throughout the resource. Many examples of concepts are specific to Newfoundland and Labrador and Canada.

Nelson Science 10
Nelson Science 10 was listed in the bibliography of resources to support Science 10 in 2005 and its components continue to be applicable for supporting the Science 10 (2014) curriculum.
Nelson Science 10. Computerized Assessment Bank
Nelson Science 10. Student Text
Nelson Science 10. Teacher's Resource Package

Bending Light and Bending Minds
This video features the Canadian Light Source, Canada's only synchrotron, which is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It discusses the role of the synchrotron and its value to science and the world, giving specific examples of current research being done in a number of different areas, including nanotechnology and microbiology. It features science fiction author Robert J. Sawyer, who was Writer in Residence at the synchrotron, discussing the link between science and the arts. Although the film does discuss some specific scientific concepts, its purpose is not to explain how the synchrotron works, but rather to highlight the impact that the Canadian Light Source has on innovation and our quality of life.
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Manitoba Science 10
This textbook consists of four units: Dynamics of Ecosystems, Chemistry in Action, In Motion and Weather Dynamics. Each unit begins with preparatory questions and a launch of inquiry questions and ends with unit summary questions. There are investigation and project ideas throughout the resource. Many examples of concepts are specific to Manitoba and Canada.
Manitoba Science 10. Teacher's Resource

Nelson Science Perspectives 10. Student Edition
This textbook provides support for the Climate Change and Chemical Reactions outcomes, but does not provide support for the Force and Motion in Our World or Ecosystems outcomes. Each of the resource's five units is introduced by a photograph that connects the big ideas of the unit to the real world. Some of the features of the resource include: STSE (Science-Technology-Society-Environment) articles, concept maps, sample problems, investigations and activities, reading and writing strategies and features from science journals. The chapters conclude with a summary of key concepts, a review, a self-quiz and suggested unit task. This textbook does not include First Nations and Métis content, perspectives or ways of knowing.
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Nelson Science Perspectives 10. ExamView Test Bank
Nelson Science Perspectives 10. Teacher's Resource

Investigating Science 10. Student Edition
This textbook, developed to support the Ontario Science 10 curriculum, provides support for the Chemical Reactions and Climate Change outcomes, but does not provide support for the Saskatchewan Science 10 outcomes of Force and Motion in our World or Ecosystems. The resource is structured using big ideas and enduring understandings, and includes many STSE (Science-Technology-Society-Environment) connections and real-world examples. The resource includes easy-to-teach labs and activities. This textbook does not contain First Nations and Métis content and perspectives.
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CurioCity Educator Resources
This website offers a compilation of resources including articles, videos, projects and activities.
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Record posted/updated:
March 7, 2022

Planet X: 'Out of This World' Opportunities in Agriculture and Food
This lesson focuses on the many professions within the agriculture and food sector. Students will gain appreciation and knowledge of the multitude of professions that exist within this realm, while also understanding the importance of every day food production and sustainability to the global population.
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Record posted/updated:
May 29, 2019