(a) |
Develop and carry out experiments to determine the properties of accelerated motion, including identifying variables to be tested, developing appropriate sampling procedures for data collection, collecting and recording data and analyzing data to generate conclusions. (S, STSE) |
(b) |
Evaluate the relevance, reliability and adequacy of data and data collection methods, including identifying and explaining sources of error and uncertainty in measurements. (STSE, S) |
(c) |
Apply the concept of 'rate of change' to operationally define speed, velocity and acceleration. (K) |
(d) |
Demonstrate the importance of converting measurements to the same units when solving motion problems. (K) |
(e) |
Differentiate between the concepts of instantaneous and average as they relate to speed and velocity. (K) |
(f) |
Construct and analyze graphs (i.e., distance-time, position-time, speed-time and velocity-time) that represent the motion of objects that undergo acceleration. (S) |
(g) |
Solve problems related to acceleration using the equations of motion (e.g., $a^ ↖ {→}={\Δv ↖ {→}}/{\Δt}$, and $\Δd ↖ {→}=v ↖ {→}_it+1/2{a ↖ {→}\Δt^2}$). (S) |
(b) |
Value the role and contribution of science and technology in understanding phenomena that are directly observable and those that are not. (A) |