Communicate accurately, with guidance, using syntactical and semantical connections of Nakoda.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Self-correct pronunciation when speaking.
(b) Understand and use specific vocabulary associated with daily life when interacting with classmates, teacher, composing a written assignment and presenting orally.

Use common regular verbal affixes of the four classes of verbs with accuracy.

  • wówada ‘I eat’,
  • mnúda ‘I take’,
  • ecámų ‘I do it’,
  • mayázą ‘I am sick’,
  • wóyada ‘you eat’,
  • núda ‘you take’,
  • ecánų ‘you do it’, and
  • niyázą ‘you are sick’.
(d) Use correct word order in short utterances and basic constructions.
(e) Use imperative verbs of command in appropriate contexts.
(f) Use sentences with one verb and a subject.
(g) Listen and respond to a variety of short, simple oral sentences in situations by answering or questioning (e.g., Dóken ya’ų́? ‘How are you?’ Dąyą́ wa’ų́. ‘I am fine.’).
(h) Present steps of a procedure or follow directions.
(i) Identify and explain a variety of references (e.g., nouns, verbs, space, time) within texts.
(j) Enunciate words independently and confidently.
(k) Use a repertoire of words and phrases in the classroom within a variety of contexts such as world of work, living things, shopping, extracurricular activities, plants and seasons and entertainment.