Select and use appropriate strategies to maximize learning and communication.

(There is an appropriateness to asking questions when someone is speaking, and therefore essential that unless you know the language there are cultural protocols to follow - many of these indicators are practised in prayer.)

Indicators for this outcome
(a) Record unknown words and expressions, noting their context and function.
(b) Seek information through a network of sources (e.g., libraries, internet, agencies, Elders).
(c) Seek opportunities outside class to practice and observe Nakoda.
(d) Use context clues to infer probable meanings of unfamiliar words.
(e) Infer meaning and verify by reading or asking questions when opportunities arise.
(f) Select the best form in which to express intent in each context.
(g) Seek authentic language documents for research purposes.
(h) Use reference materials or a speaker to verify or help in difficult areas of language.
(i) Use previously acquired knowledge or skills to assist with a new learning task.
(j) Reflect upon own thinking and learning processes.
(k) Take responsibility for planning, monitoring and assessing own learning experiences.
(l) Work with others to solve problems.
(m) Use social interaction skills to enhance group learning tasks.
(n) Use various strategies to resume and sustain conversation.
(o) Ask follow-up questions to check for understanding.
(p) Obtain feedback on tasks.
(q) Monitor own anxiety about learning tasks and take measures to lower it if necessary.
(r) Provide personal motivation for learning by rewarding self when successful.
(s) Use a buddy system in learning Nakoda.