
Construct meaning, independently, of a variety of multi-paragraph written non-fiction and fiction French texts:

  • to receive information;
  • to extend knowledge of the world;
  • to achieve objectives; and,
  • for entertainment and enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Apply reading strategies before, during and after reading.

Select and read a variety of written texts (e.g., bibliographies, magazine articles, travel guides, editorials) that address Big ideas such as:

  • global arts, culture and travel;
  • Indigenous celebrations around the world;
  • self and identity;
  • opportunities and adventures; and,
  • careers.
(c) Describe the intended purpose and audience of a written text.

Examine elements of a written text such as:

  • organization (e.g., introduction, paragraph order, conclusion);
  • tone; and,
  • vocabulary and word choice.

Analyze the use of grammatical elements of written language such as:

  • text structure;
  • verb conjugation;
  • parts of speech; and,
  • spelling and punctuation.
(f) Explain how language use varies in different written text types.
(g) Describe the theme of a written text.
(h) Summarize or represent the messages conveyed in a written text.
(i) Explain details conveyed in a written text.
(j) Identify messages conveyed in a written text and personal life and experiences.
(k) Reflect on personal reactions to a written text.
(l) Explain and justify personal reactions to a written text.