Investigate visual, multimedia, oral and written texts as sources of inspiration for creative writing.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Explore sources of inspiration (e.g., conversations, experiences, memories, objects, observations and sounds) as a starting point for personal and public compositions.
(b) Examine traditional and contemporary visual, multimedia, oral and written texts that present different viewpoints and perspectives on issues related to identity and social responsibility.
(c) Connect ideas, observations, opinions and emotions to understand and appreciate texts.
(d) Explain ways that society and culture shape and are shaped by the content, forms and language of texts.
(e) Discuss how content, forms and language of texts reveal and shape understanding of human diversity.
(f) Think critically, creatively and reflectively to explore ideas within, between and beyond texts.
(g) Consider how historical, cultural, political and social contexts influence the presentation of ideas, themes and issues in texts.
(h) Explore writing as an opportunity to enhance understanding of self, others and the world.
(i) Document ideas, feelings and reflections using tools such as journals, recordings and sketches.
(j) Examine legal and ethical issues (e.g., authorship, copyright, ownership and cultural appropriation) associated with using sources of inspiration in personal and public compositions.