Compose and create a variety of written poems that explore identity and social responsibility.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Create a variety of written poems (e.g., free verse, villanelle, concrete, epitaph, spoken word and ballad) to explore personal viewpoints and others’ perspectives on issues related to:
  • identity (e.g., experiences, traditions and worldviews); and,
  • social responsibility (e.g., local and global communities, natural environment and relationships).
(b) Select, use and evaluate critically a variety of before, during and after strategies to construct and communicate meaning when writing.
(c) Understand and apply the language cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning when writing.
(d) Select appropriate language to suit audiences and purposes (e.g., to persuade, to describe and to entertain).
(e) Demonstrate the behaviours of effective writers, such as:
  • keeping a print or digital journal of ideas, reflections and notes on writing;
  • enhancing personal text based on self, peer and/or teacher critical feedback; and,
  • applying the writing process by planning, drafting and revising to create a final version.
(f) Experiment with a variety of artistic devices (e.g., rhyme, figurative language, symbolism and imagery) to create mood and tone.
(g) Use elements of poems to communicate thoughts, feelings and emotions such as:
  • compression of statement and expression of ideas;
  • rhythm;
  • structure; and,
  • intentional line breaks.
(h) Examine legal and ethical issues (e.g., authorship, copyright, ownership and cultural appropriation) associated with the publication of print and digital compositions.
(i) Discuss school-related policies for sharing and publishing print and digital compositions.