Spanish 10, 20, 30
Apply, with guidance, a variety of strategies to produce oral and written texts in Spanish and reflect on personal language learning.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) | Use the Spanish language for personal communication. |
(b) | Apply, with guidance, a variety of before, during and after strategies to communicate meaning when writing and speaking. |
(c) | Use tools such as graphic organizers and outlines to make a plan for speaking or writing. |
(d) | Consult resources (e.g., peers and family, dictionaries, anchor charts and electronic applications) and visual aids (e.g., pictures, graphs and drawings) to support the production of oral and written texts. |
(e) |
Apply, with guidance, language learning strategies to support the production of oral and written text, such as:
(f) | Evaluate own written and oral productions. |
(g) | Explain that risk-taking and a positive attitude are part of effective language learning. |
(h) | Discuss challenges of learning to communicate in an additional language. |
(i) | Reflect, with guidance, on personal writing and speaking strategies. |