Spanish 10, 20, 30
Produce, with guidance, simple oral Spanish texts on familiar topics to express ideas, extend knowledge of the world, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) |
Produce simple oral Spanish texts related to big ideas such as:
(b) | Respond appropriately to other speakers during structured conversations or discussion. |
(c) | Pose and respond to questions to generate conversations on familiar topics such as personal details (p. ej., “¿Dónde vives?”, “¿Cuántos años tienes?” and “¿Cuál es tu dirección?”). |
(d) | Express feelings and emotions using simple adjectives, facial expressions and body language. |
(e) | Convey opinions or personal perspectives on a given topic such as a movie or education. |
(f) | Employ imperative structure to provide basic step-by-step instructions in situations such as cooking and giving directions to a location. |
(g) | Communicate information about time in both 12-hour and 24-hour clock formats. |
(h) | Request and express telephone numbers. |
(i) | Complete simple transactions in familiar contexts such as purchasing items in a store and ordering a meal from a menu. |
(j) | Relate descriptions of personal lived experiences or activities. |
(k) | Use Spanish for entertainment and personal enjoyment (e.g., express humour, perform skits or songs and create stories). |