Spanish 10, 20, 30
Produce, with guidance, simple written Spanish texts on familiar topics to express ideas, extend knowledge of the world, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) |
Produce simple written Spanish texts related to big ideas such as:
(b) | Write to communicate meaning about a variety of daily topics such as personal details (e.g., name and age), family members (e.g., number of siblings) and class schedule (e.g., teacher and subject). |
(c) | Communicate simple written expressions (e.g., Yes, No, Please, Thank you, Excuse me and Sorry). |
(d) | Complete an application form in Spanish with basic personal information (e.g., name, telephone number and address). |
(e) | Compose a greeting card (e.g., birthday) using simple expressions. |
(f) | Create simple social media posts using basic vocabulary. |
(g) | Communicate messages about time with reference to 12-hour and 24-hour clocks. |
(h) | Provide basic written directions to a place using imperative sentences. |
(i) | Experiment with communicating messages in a variety of written formats (e.g., notes, lists, paragraphs, graphs, e-mails, blogs and text messages). |
(j) | Narrate descriptions of personal lived experiences or activities. |