Select and apply a variety of strategies to interpret oral and written texts in Mandarin and reflect on personal language learning.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Select and apply a variety of before, during and after strategies to construct meaning when listening, viewing and reading.
(b) Prepare to interpret oral and written texts using language learning strategies such as developing predictions and analyzing purpose and context.
(c) Develop tools (e.g., charts, phrasebooks and audio files) and select resources (e.g., electronic applications and grammar reference books) to help construct meaning of oral and written text.

Apply language learning strategies such as:

  • using supplementary information (e.g., prior research, background knowledge and glossaries);
  • interpreting physical (e.g., gestures and facial expressions) and auditory (e.g., tone, laughter and volume) cues;
  • examining context clues and key words to infer the intent of the message;
  • recognizing roots of words to deconstruct their meaning;
  • using phonics and generalizations to decode individual and compound words; and,
  • looking for patterns and relationships of sentences to interpret meanings of messages.
(e) Pose questions to examine the intent of a message presented in a text.
(f) Identify similarities and differences in sentence structures between the English and Mandarin languages.
(g) Maintain a learning log to evaluate personal comprehension of language and assess which language learning strategies are most effective.
(h) Discuss the effectiveness of strategies used to address challenges of learning an additional language.
(i) Reflect on, and evaluate, personal viewing, listening and reading strategies.