Produce a variety of written non-fiction and fiction Standard Chinese texts to express ideas, extend knowledge of the world, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome

Produce a variety of written Standard Chinese texts related to big ideas such as:

  • global Chinese communities;
  • media and technology; and,
  • future plans.
(b) Complete a questionnaire or résumé with relevant details (e.g., education, skills, work experience and interests).
(c) Write a message to convey the details (e.g., time and location) of an appointment.
(d) Compose emails requesting information on topics related to future plans (e.g., travel or exchange possibilities, post-secondary education and career opportunities).
(e) Create a comic strip with Standard Chinese dialogue.
(f) Express personal opinions in a persuasive text (e.g., travel blogs and editorials).
(g) Experiment with a variety of text types (e.g., letters, schedules, lists, questionnaires, reports and social media posts).
(h) Research, organize and present information in expository texts (e.g., biography on Chinese artist and essay on traditional Chinese foods).

Incorporate the following in written productions:

  • evidence of planning (e.g., narrative writing organizers and bullet journals);
  • clear purpose;
  • consideration of audience;
  • organization (e.g., introduction, development of ideas, conclusion and flow of ideas);
  • appropriate tone;
  • rich context-specific vocabulary;
  • language suitable to text type; and,
  • linguistic conventions.