Apply, with guidance, a variety of strategies to produce oral and written texts in German and reflect on personal language learning.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Use the German language for personal communication.
(b) Apply, with guidance, a variety of before, during and after strategies to communicate meaning when writing and speaking.
(c) Use tools such as graphic organizers and outlines to make a plan for speaking or writing.
(d) Consult resources (e.g., peers and family, dictionaries, anchor charts and electronic applications) and visual aids (e.g., pictures, graphs and drawings) to support the production of oral and written texts.

Apply, with guidance, language learning strategies to support the production of oral and written text, such as:

  • taking risks;
  • using prior knowledge for personal expression in German; and,
  • using physical (e.g., gestures and facial expressions) and auditory (e.g., laughter, tone and volume) cues to convey meaning.
(f) Use conventional phonemic awareness in pronunciation (e.g., the German “v” makes the same sound as the English “f”).
(g) Evaluate own written and oral productions.
(h) Explain that risk-taking and a positive attitude are part of effective language learning.
(i) Discuss challenges of learning to communicate in an additional language.
(j) Reflect, with guidance, on personal writing and speaking strategies.