Demonstrate, when producing oral and written texts, knowledge of German language concepts including basic context-specific vocabulary, word order and linguistic conventions.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Employ predominantly conventional spelling of high-frequency words.
(b) Practise conventional pronunciation for basic sight words.
(c) Pronounce words using standard phonemic sounds (e.g., “ich”, “Vater” and “drei”).

Convey clear messages by including the following:

  • who or what is doing an action (i.e., the subject of the sentence);
  • who or what is receiving the action (i.e., the direct object); and,
  • who is affected by the action (i.e., the indirect object).
(e) Express ideas and needs with gestures, volume and tone of voice.

Use commonly accepted word order for basic sentences with one and two verb combinations, such as:

  • “Ich schwimme oft im Sommer am See.”; and,
  • “Ich kann oft im Sommer am See schwimmen.”

Produce sentences using the following verb conventions:

  • past perfect tense with both regular and irregular common verbs (e.g., “Ich bin zur Schule gekommen.”, “Ich habe mein Brötchen gegessen.“, “Ich habe Tennis am Freitag gespielt.”, “Ich habe am Freitag Fußball gespielt.” and “Wir sind in den Ferien nach Edmonton gefahren.”);
  • separable prefix verbs, such as “mitbringen”, “aufstehen” and “herausnehmen”, accurately (e.g., “Ich bringe mein Buch am Freitag mit.”);
  • present tense conjugations of common verbs such as “wohnen”, “kommen” and “nehmen” (e.g., “Ich wohne in Saskatchewan. Wo wohnst du?”); and,
  • modal verbs (e.g., “Ich will am Freitag zu dir kommen.”).
(h) Practise inversion as required, such as when beginning a sentence with any element other than the subject (e.g., “Am Freitag spiele ich mit meinen Freunden Fußball.”).

Employ definite and indefinite articles in both the accusative and dative cases, such as:

  • “Ich habe einen Bruder.”; and,
  • “Ich gebe meinem Bruder ein Buch.”).
(j) Produce the accurate use of the nominative, accusative and dative case in personal pronouns (e.g., “Er gibt es ihr.”).