Explore historical and contemporary elements, and the cultural and linguistic diversity, of German cultures in Saskatchewan.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Discuss the relationship between the language and cultures of German-speaking peoples.
(b) Explore the concept of language minority communities in Saskatchewan.
(c) Identify towns and places (e.g., Muenster, Langenburg and Neuanlage) in Saskatchewan that have German names.
(d) Practise pronouncing traditional German surnames (e.g., Schmidt and Müller).
(e) Determine how direct and extended family members are addressed in German culture.
(f) Investigate common products (e.g., Red Bull, Rolex and Porsche) from German-speaking countries.
(g) Research the contributions (e.g., schnitzel, sauerkraut, Schwarzwälderkirschtorte and Black Forest torte) of cultural and religious heritages (e.g., Hutterian, Mennonite and Lutheran) in Saskatchewan with roots in German-speaking cultures.

Inquire about German-speaking culture and heritage (e.g., the arts, celebrations, community, traditions, language, history and food) in Saskatchewan by:

  • interviewing members of the German-speaking community in Saskatchewan;
  • researching Saskatchewan organizations, festivals and events (e.g., Mosaic, Folkfest, Multilingual Association, Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Organization for Heritage Languages); and,
  • participating in activities related to German culture in Saskatchewan.
(i) Compare historical and contemporary reasons for the immigration of German-speaking people to Saskatchewan.