Demonstrate, when interpreting oral and written texts, knowledge of German language concepts including context-specific vocabulary, sentence structure and linguistic conventions.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Comprehend a broader range of vocabulary in personal and public texts (e.g., 500 sight words).
(b) Examine patterns in prefixes and suffixes for verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
(c) Decode individual words and sounds heard in multisyllabic words.
(d) Recognize dative verbs (e.g., passen, stehen, gefallen and gehören).
(e) Investigate irregular verb conjugation patterns in the present, past perfect and imperfect tenses.
(f) Analyze personal and formal registers (e.g., talking with “du” [casual] and “Sie” [formal]) in oral presentations.

Explore German language conventions, including:

  • similarities and differences of past tense use in English and German;
  • the role of conjunctions;
  • the role of relative pronouns (i.e., in particular that relative pronouns reflect the gender and role of the noun in the sentence (e.g., “Ich sehe ihn.”);
  • differences in word order according to the number of verbs in a sentence, and when using relative clauses;
  • different elements in compound nouns; and,
  • relational phrases when conjunctions and subordinate clauses are used.
(h) Interpret German gestures and common idiomatic expressions.