Demonstrate, when producing oral and written texts, knowledge of German language concepts including context-specific vocabulary, sentence structure and linguistic conventions.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Apply conventional spelling and capitalization consistently in written text.
(b) Use basic context-appropriate vocabulary and familiar German idioms in producing written and oral texts.
(c) Employ appropriate formality (e.g., “du” vs. “Sie”).

Apply conventional word order for sentences with:

  • one verb;
  • two verbs (e.g., “Ich möchte gern eine Pizza bestellen.”);
  • relative clauses (e.g., “Ich bringe dir ein Buch, damit du lesen kannst.”);
  • relative pronouns (eg.”Ich bringe dir ein Buch, das dir bestimmt gefällt.”); and,
  • conjunctions.

Produce sentences using the following verb conventions:

  • present tense;
  • modal verbs in the past perfect tense (e.g., “Ich kann im Winter Eislaufen gehen.”, “Ich bin im Winter Eislaufen gegangen.”); and,
  • auxiliary verb in the past perfect tense.
(f) Compose sentences using “two way” adjectives (e.g., “Ich gehe in die Klasse.”, “Ich gehe zu der Tafel in der Klasse.”).
(g) Use conjunctions such as “weil”, “damit”, “dass”, “als”, and “wenn” to add subordinate clauses (e.g., “Wenn die Kekse braun sind, nimm sie aus dem Ofen.”).
(h) Apply adjective endings in the accusative and dative case, using both strong and weak ending patterns and definite and indefinite articles (e.g., “Ich trage ein weißes Hemd mit meinem blauen Rock.”).

Practise using the following types of pronouns to clarify communication:

  • relative pronouns to supply additional information (e.g., “Ich trage meine neue Hose, die ich in den tollen Laden gestern gekauft habe.“); and,
  • dative pronouns such as “mir”, “dir”, “ihm” and “ihr” when using dative verbs such as “gehören”, “gefallen”, “passen”, “stehen”, “helfen” (e.g., “Deine neuen Schuhe gefallen mir sehr.”).

Enhance communication with the following types of prepositions:

  • dative prepositions (e.g., aus, bei, mit, nach, von, seit, zu), followed by the appropriate adjective endings and/or pronouns (e.g., “Samuel geht gern mit seinem neuen Freund ins Kino”); and,
  • accusative prepositions (e.g., durch, für, gegen, ohne, um), followed by the appropriate adjective endings and/or pronouns (e.g., “Sanjida geht durch die offene Tür in den Flur”).