Select and apply a variety of strategies to produce oral and written texts in German and reflect on personal language learning.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Use the German language to communicate with German-speaking people in a variety of situations.
(b) Select and apply a variety of before, during and after strategies to construct and communicate meaning when writing and speaking.
(c) Create a plan for speaking or writing using tools such as a bullet journal and a narrative writing organizer.
(d) Devise tools (e.g., charts, phrasebooks and audio files) and select resources (e.g., electronic applications and grammar reference books) to support the production of oral and written texts.

Employ oral communication and mediation strategies such as:

  • taking risks;
  • applying prior knowledge and cognates for personal expression in German;
  • using physical (e.g., gestures and facial expressions) and auditory (e.g., laughter, tone and volume) cues to convey meaning;
  • practising tongue-twisters to build fluency;
  • demonstrating appropriate German etiquette in interactions; and,
  • paraphrasing the message in different ways to clarify intent.

Apply language learning strategies to support the production of written text, such as:

  • taking risks;
  • using cultural references (e.g., idioms, customs, traditions and perspectives); and,
  • activating prior knowledge, etymology and cognates for personal expression in German.
(g) Employ cues (e.g., first, second and finally) to orient the audience in a longer text.

Maintain a learning log to:

  • reflect on personal German writing or speaking process;
  • evaluate personal written and oral production of language;
  • assess which language learning strategies are most effective; and,
  • describe ways in which risk-taking furthered personal language learning.

Develop interests, passion and confidence in learning German by:

  • maintaining a positive learning attitude;
  • taking the initiative to use German whenever possible; and,
  • actively engaging in activities that help to enhance language proficiency.