Explore historical and contemporary elements, and the cultural and linguistic diversity, of German-speaking cultures around the world.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Identify German-speaking countries (e.g., Germany, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg) in the world.
(b) Research significant historical (e.g., rise of German Nationalism, formation of Swiss Confederacy, Austro-Hungarian Empire, impacts of World Wars, fascism, the Holocaust, Cold War and the European Union) and contemporary events that affect German communities.
(c) Describe the traditional and cultural contributions of German-speakers (e.g., Martin Luther, Johann Sebastian Bach, Angela Merkel and Albert Einstein).
(d) Discuss dialectical pronunciation and vocabulary differences within German and in standard usage in other parts of the world.
(e) Analyze the economic impact of Germany within Europe and on other countries around the world.

Inquire about German culture and heritage (e.g., the arts, celebrations, community, traditions, language, history and food) in various parts of the world by:

  • reading, listening to or viewing tourist information or facts about German-speaking countries or regions around the world;
  • researching German events (e.g., Unity Day, Oktoberfest) and organizations; and,
  • investigating cultural places or historic sites (e.g., Brandenburg Gate and Berlin Wall).
(g) Examine and compare elements of German culture and heritage (e.g., food, the arts, celebrations, community, traditions, language, history) in various parts of the world.
(h) Investigate the impact of German communities’ geographical locations on their local culture and ethnic diversity.

Articulate typical attitudes and cultural-linguistic world view of German speakers to issues such as:

  • the Holocaust;
  • the Cold War;
  • the environment (e.g., recycling, nuclear and green energy and climate change);
  • urban sprawl;
  • public transportation; and,
  • political organization and involvement.