Investigate international opportunities to use and develop German language skills and explore personal identity as a German language learner.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Explain how personal understanding of a culture might be enhanced through language learning.
(b) Identify study opportunities at German-speaking universities and technical colleges (e.g., Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) and Bundesverwaltungsamt Zentralstelle für das Auslandswesen) open to international students.
(c) Explore international summer work opportunities and practicum placements for German-speaking students.
(d) Discuss the different linguistic and cultural perspectives on world issues (e.g., violence, sexuality, the environment and social media).
(e) Investigate opportunities to communicate in German at the global level (e.g., German social media groups, blogging, corresponding in German with people from various parts of the German-speaking world).
(f) Research global opportunities to further personal German language learning (e.g., postsecondary programs, international cultural exchanges and organizations).
(g) Investigate international scholarship, study and travel opportunities available to German-speaking Canadian students.
(h) Explore international career fields for which the ability to speak German is a requirement or an asset (e.g., the Red Cross, Olympics, United Nations, business, interpreter, international government, education, reporters and Doctors Without Borders).
(i) Explore worldwide programming and initiatives that support German communities, programming and language.
(j) Reflect on personal linguistic and cultural identity.