Health Science 20
Career Exploration
Analyze and explore health-science related occupations in Saskatchewan, Canada and the world. (CP, DM) |

Diagnosis. You Are the Doctor!
This kit, consisting of 21 patient folders and a teacher's manual, allows students to assume the role of doctors to diagnose patients. Students examine the symptoms for a patient and choose which tests should be run to confirm or refute their initial diagnosis. After the test results are received, students make a final diagnosis and recommend a course of treatment for their cases. One suggested teaching strategy is for students to present their results before a review panel.

DHO Health Science(Updated 8th ed.)
This textbook, written to provide beginning post-secondary health science students entry-level knowledge and skills required for a variety of health care careers, provides support for the Health Philosophies and Ethics and Career Exploration outcomes. The first part of the textbook provides basic knowledge and skills for many careers, while the second part of the text introduces specific health care career skills and knowledge. Each chapter includes objectives, key terms, an information section, and a procedures section. Additional text features include: a research section to highlight the types of research occurring in the field, a career highlighted and related health careers sections, full-colour photos and illustrations, an internet search section, a summary, and review questions. The textbook follows American health care regulations and does not cover Canadian ethics or health care regulations.
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Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology. Student Text
This student resource supports the majority of the Health Science 20 curricular outcomes. Each chapter covers a different body system and includes colourful graphics, lesson objectives, questions to check student understanding, key terms, lesson review and assessment and lab activities.

Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. Student Text(12th ed.)
This textbook provides support for the Human Body outcomes. Each of the textbook's chapters describes the anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of a human body system, and includes clearly illustrated, realistic diagrams and figures to support student understanding of the system. Additional features of this text include: a Focus on Career section incorporating interviews with working professionals; a Closer Look section that offers updated information on scientific advances and topics; a Did You Get It? box to check understanding; a Critical Thinking and Clinical Application section at the end of each chapter to promote application of the content studied into real-world situations; a Homeostatic Imbalance section with clinical examples to show pathology and disease resulting from imbalanced systems; and a chapter summary and review. The textbook does not address First Nations and Métis content, perspectives or ways of knowing.
(More information)
Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. Instructor Guide/Test Bank
Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. Instructor Resource DVD
Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. TestGen Test Bank (Download Only)

Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions. Student Text: An Interactive Journey(4th ed.)
The chapters in this textbook resource provide support for the Human Body outcomes. This visually appealing textbook is rich in features that include: a Pronunciation guide, a Clinical Application section to connect the content to clinical practice, an Applied Science section to present the health science in relation to the anatomical and physiological content being studied, an Amazing Body Facts box with interesting facts, a Learning Hints section to facilitate learning of content, a Media Extra section that provides links to related online videos and media, a Test Your Knowledge section to check understanding, and a Case Study section to place the science within the real-world context. Each chapter ends with a chapter summary and review questions. The textbook does not address First Nations and Métis content, perspectives, or ways of knowing.
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Paramedics. Emergency Response
This series follows Saskatoon paramedics as they respond to various calls during the course of their shifts at work, such as traffic accidents, overdoses, injuries due to violence and mental illness. While some episodes may be both graphic and heartbreaking, the realities of a career as a paramedic are authentically portrayed.
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 4, Episode 1: Assault in Progress
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 4, Episode 2: A Psychotic State
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 4, Episode 3: On the Edge
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 4, Episode 4: An Overdose on Meth
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 4, Episode 5: The Pink People
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 4, Episode 6: A Senseless Attack
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 4, Episode 7: Happy Endings
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 5, Episode 1: A New Threat
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 5, Episode 2: Darkness All Night
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 5, Episode 3: Back From Other Side
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 5, Episode 4: Dead Weight
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 5, Episode 5: Restrain and Sedate
Paramedics. Emergency Response. Season 5, Episode 6: All Hands on Deck
Paramedics: Emergency Response - Aggravated Assault: Season 6 Episode 1
Paramedics: Emergency Response - Drug Demon Ghost: Season 6 Episode 4
Paramedics: Emergency Response - Gratitude: Season 6 Episode 5
Paramedics: Emergency Response - Kidnapped and Stabbed: Season 6 Episode 3
Paramedics: Emergency Response - Temporary Insanity: Season 6 Episode 2
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Record posted/updated:
July 4, 2024

Sports Medicine Research
This resource provides an overview of sports medicine, concussion research, overuse injuries and prosthetics research. Key medical and scientific terms are highlighted throughout to enrich reading and practical case studies encourage self-directed inquiry into sports medicine as a career choice.

Diagnosis for Classroom Success. Student Edition: Making Anatomy and Physiology Come Alive
This resource presents a narrative, role-playing approach to engage students in simulating the work of medical professionals who are diagnosing four ill patients. Students examine medical records and conduct simulated lab tests to confirm and refine their hypotheses. In the culminating activity, student groups present their results and reflect upon the process. Teachers could choose to use individual chapters or adopt the resource in its entirety.
Diagnosis for Classroom Success. Teacher Edition

CurioCity Educator Resources
This website offers a compilation of resources including articles, videos, projects and activities.
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Record posted/updated:
March 7, 2022