Health Science 20
Analyze dietary choices based on personal and cultural beliefs and scientific understanding of nutrition.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) | Pose questions about the role of nutrition in supporting healthy eating practices. (K, S, A, STSE) |
(b) | Explain how various factors (e.g., activity level, muscle mass, gender, age, weight and height) affect personal energy requirements. (K) |
(c) | Calculate personal energy requirements and record personal caloric and macronutrient intake for a specified period. (S) |
(d) | Compare results of personal macronutrient intake to recommended daily intake (RDI) values. (S) |
(e) | Explain how analysis of excrement (e.g., Bristol stool chart) and urine (e.g., urine analysis by color, clarity, odor, pH, nitrites, protein, glucose, tinkle test and Pee-O-Meter) serve as indicators of healthy functioning. (STSE) |
(f) | Examine how the dietary recommendations in Canada's Food Guide compare with recommendations in food guides from other countries. (S, K, STSE) |
(g) | Assess the value of information from food labels (e.g., ingredient list, nutrition facts table, nutrient content claims and health claims) to guide personal food choices. (A, S, K, STSE) |
(h) | Design a healthful diet based on personal lifestyle choices. (S, A, STSE) |
(i) | Critique the use of tools (e.g., body mass index [BMI], skinfold caliper, BOD POD and hydrostatic weighing) that provide information about body composition. (S, STSE) |
(j) | Investigate the effects of processed foods, nutrition supplements, growth hormones, genetically modified foods and food additives (e.g., caffeine, aspartame, food coloring and monosodium glutamate [MSG]) on human health. (K, A, STSE) |
(k) | Evaluate physiological and psychological effects of nutritional disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia and obesity and their connection to body image and nutrition deficiencies. (K, A) |
(l) | Assess whether eating practices such as carbohydrate loading, fad diets, vegetarianism, veganism, fast food, energy drinks, 100-mile diet and fasting provide sufficient nutrition to support healthy functioning. (A, STSE) |
(m) | Examine how various eating practices (e.g., pre-contact First Nations and Métis, kosher, halal and fasting practices during observances such as Lent and Ramadan) are based upon cultural and religious beliefs. (A, STSE) |

Nutrition. A Functional Approach: Plus MasteringNutrition with Pearson eText Access Card Package(3rd Canadian ed.)
This textbook provides support for the Nutrition and Metabolism and Human Body outcomes, but does not provide support for the Health Philosophies and Ethics and Diagnostics outcomes. The visually rich textbook presents 15 chapters to link nutrition to the function benefits, and includes features such as: Quick Tips to provide suggestions for incorporating better nutrition into daily life; a What About You? section that offers checklists and questionnaires for students to self-assess their understanding and nutritional habits; an Eating Right All Day section that suggests meals tied to chapter content on micro- and macronutrients and key body systems; and web links to the etext, classroom tools, and activities, such as the NutriTools link where students can apply their understanding of the content to create healthy meals. Each chapter concludes with review questions and a case study. This edition is Canadian, and follows Canadian food and healthy eating guidelines. It does not include First Nations and Métis content, perspectives, or ways of knowing.
(More information)

DHO Health Science(Updated 8th ed.)
This textbook, written to provide beginning post-secondary health science students entry-level knowledge and skills required for a variety of health care careers, provides support for the Health Philosophies and Ethics and Career Exploration outcomes. The first part of the textbook provides basic knowledge and skills for many careers, while the second part of the text introduces specific health care career skills and knowledge. Each chapter includes objectives, key terms, an information section, and a procedures section. Additional text features include: a research section to highlight the types of research occurring in the field, a career highlighted and related health careers sections, full-colour photos and illustrations, an internet search section, a summary, and review questions. The textbook follows American health care regulations and does not cover Canadian ethics or health care regulations.
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Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. Student Text(12th ed.)
This textbook provides support for the Human Body outcomes. Each of the textbook's chapters describes the anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of a human body system, and includes clearly illustrated, realistic diagrams and figures to support student understanding of the system. Additional features of this text include: a Focus on Career section incorporating interviews with working professionals; a Closer Look section that offers updated information on scientific advances and topics; a Did You Get It? box to check understanding; a Critical Thinking and Clinical Application section at the end of each chapter to promote application of the content studied into real-world situations; a Homeostatic Imbalance section with clinical examples to show pathology and disease resulting from imbalanced systems; and a chapter summary and review. The textbook does not address First Nations and Métis content, perspectives or ways of knowing.
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Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. Instructor Guide/Test Bank
Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. Instructor Resource DVD
Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. TestGen Test Bank (Download Only)

First to Last
This program is the second episode in the BBC series Inside the Human Body. The content provides supplemental support for the Human Body and Nutrition outcomes in Health Science 20. Processes that take place in the human body from birth to death are highlighted, including the functions of the the circulatory system and the digestive system, to a lesser degree.

Nutrition and Health
This textbook with Canadian content provides support for the Nutrition and Metabolism outcomes and some support for the Pathologies outcome. This textbook is divided into three parts: Part 1 includes information about nutrition and wellness including macro- and micronutrients; a focus on food guides, including discussion and comparison of international food guides and a First Nations, Inuit and Métis food guide; and a historical overview of Canada's food guide; Part 2 incorporates nutrition through the lifespan and explores trends and pathologies resulting from nutrition-related disease; Part 3 contains chapters pertaining to food production, supply and security, including Canadian policy and trends in organic agriculture that provide support for some of the Environmental Science outcomes. The visually appealing textbook integrates relevant charts, tables, photographs and graphics. This resource does contain First Nations and Métis content, perspectives and ways of knowing.
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CurioCity Educator Resources
This website offers a compilation of resources including articles, videos, projects and activities.
Links :
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Record posted/updated:
March 7, 2022

Decoding Our DNA: Craig Venter vs the Human Genome Project
This book addresses the interrelationships between science, government grants, freedom of scientific knowledge and strong personality. It is designed to highlight controversies and scandals in science. It is a behind-the-scenes look at the history of the human genome project. It discusses both the public perception of scientific practice and what occurs behind the scenes.