Create and carry out a plan to explore one or more topics of personal interest relevant to Physical Science 20 in depth.


Indicators for this outcome
(a) Design a scientific investigation related to a topic of study in Physical Science 20 that includes a testable question, a hypothesis, an experimental design that will test the hypothesis and detailed procedures for collecting and analyzing data. (STSE, S).
(b) Carry out an experiment following established scientific protocols to investigate a question of interest related to one or more of the topics of Physical Science 20. (S, A, K, STSE)
(c) Assemble and reflect on a portfolio that demonstrates an understanding of a physical science topic of interest to the student. (S, A)
(d) Design, construct and evaluate the effectiveness of a device, model or technique that demonstrates the scientific principles underlying a concept related to Physical Science 20. (STSE, S)
(e) Debate an issued related to physical science, including developing materials to support the arguments for and against a position. (A, K, S)
(f) Share the results of student-directed research through a display, presentation, performance, demonstration, song, game, commercial, fine art representation, video or research paper. (S)
(g) Construct a tool (e.g., rubric, checklist, self-evaluation form or peer-evaluation form) to assess the process and products involved in a student-directed study. (S, A)
Pearson Physics. Student Edition
This textbook, developed to support the Alberta Physics 20/30 curricula, provides support for the Property of Waves outcomes in Physical Science 20, but does not support the Foundations of Chemistry or Heat outcomes. For Physics 30, this resource supports all of the curricular outcomes. Each unit opens with a relevant photograph to introduce the content and initiate discussion and suggests a unit project to apply the physics learned to a real-life problem. Chapter features includes quick labs, insights into physics, practice problems, a check-and-reflect section, web links, inquiry labs and a Then, Now, and Future section to illustrate historical items, interesting current events and potential innovations. Each unit concludes with a summary, a unit project and a review. The textbook does not incorporate First Nations and Métis content, perspectives, or ways of knowing.
(More information)
•  Pearson Physics. Level 20 and 30. Image Bank CD-ROM
•  Pearson Physics. Level 20 and 30. Solutions CD-ROM: Version 2.0
•  Pearson Physics. Level 20 and 30. Test Bank
•  Pearson Physics. Level 20. Teacher's Resource
•  Pearson Physics. Level 30. Teacher's Resource
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $153.26
Record posted/updated: January 16, 2025
Conceptual Physics(12th ed.)
This textbook, developed for post-secondary education, presents an approach to teaching physics that does not rely extensively on computation, but still requires mathematics. Hewitt engages readers with analogies and imagery from real-world situations that build a strong conceptual understanding of physical principles and scientific literacy. The resource provides support for the Heat and Properties of Waves outcomes in Physical Science 20, but does not provide support for the Foundations of Chemistry outcomes. For Physics 30, the content of this resource supports all of the curricular outcomes. The textbook does not address First Nations and Métis content, perspectives or ways of knowing.
(More information)
•  Conceptual Physics. Instructor Resource DVD
Media and Formats : Book Other
Price : $159.20
Record posted/updated: October 22, 2021
Chemistry. Matter and Change. Student Edition
The chapters in this textbook provide support for the Physical Science 20 Foundations of Chemistry outcomes and provide some support for the Heat outcomes, but do not provide support for Properties of Waves outcomes. The text supports all of the outcomes in the Chemistry 30 curriculum. Framed around big ideas and essential questions, each chapter is introduced by connecting chemistry to students' lives. The chapters offer many real-world examples of how chemistry is involved in everyday objects, natural phenomena or experiences, as well as provide web links, example problems, demonstration and lab activities, a review and a chapter assessment. The Careers in Chemistry sections throughout the textbook link the concepts studied to everyday careers. The textbook integrates appropriate graphic representations of scientific concepts and tables of relevant data. The textbook does not address First Nations and Métis content, perspectives or ways of knowing.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $107.95
Record posted/updated: November 25, 2018
Savvas Chemistry. Student Edition: Formerly Pearson Chemistry. Student Edition
The chapters in this textbook, correlated to the American National Science Education Standards, provide support for the Physical Science 20 Foundations of Chemistry outcomes, but do not provide support for the Heat or Properties of Waves outcomes. The text also provides support for all of the topics covered in the Chemistry 30 curriculum. Each unit is framed around big ideas and essential questions introduced through mini-mysteries, and includes many examples of chemistry in daily life, applications of chemistry in technology, the environment and careers. Suggestions for labs and quick, hands-on opportunities are integrated throughout the textbook. This visually appealing textbook includes many features: lesson checks, web links, relevant and clearly labeled diagrams and graphs, sample problems, a study guide and a chapter assessment. This textbook does not contain First Nations and Métis content, perspectives or ways of knowing.
(More information)
•  Pearson Chemistry. Teacher's Edition
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $123.75
Record posted/updated: February 18, 2022
PhysicsSource 11. Student Edition
The chapters in this textbook, designed to support the Ontario science curriculum, provide support for the Heat and Properties of Waves outcomes, but do not provide support for the Foundations of Chemistry outcomes. Each chapter opens with an image to engage students in conversation pertaining to the real-world relevance of the topic, then continues with a thorough exploration of the concept, incorporating suggested labs and activities, practice problems, concept checks, web links, case studies, a unit task, and physics careers sections. Each chapter concludes with a check-and-reflect section and a chapter review. The textbook does not address First Nations and Métis content, perspectives, or ways of knowing.
(More information)
•  PhysicsSource 11 ExamView Test Bank
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $91.61
Record posted/updated: November 25, 2018
Conceptual Chemistry(5th ed.)
This textbook, developed for post-secondary students, provides support for the Foundations of Chemistry outcomes in Physical Science 20. For Chemistry 30, the resource supports all of the curricular outcomes. The resource includes a student access card to the etext and online resources. Each chapter of this resource opens with a graphic and narration to place the chemistry concepts in a real-world context, as well as a Hands-on Chemistry activity using common household ingredients. The resource integrates features that include: relevant figures, graphs and tables; essays; concepts checks; a Calculation Corner section to provide practice in the required math skills; and a For Your Information section to highlight interesting information. Each chapter concludes with a review, summary, hands-on application activities and an evaluation. The textbook does not address First Nations and Métis content, perspectives or ways of knowing.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book Other
Price : $204.95
Record posted/updated: January 4, 2019
Chemistry 12. Student Edition
This student resource address all of the Chemistry 30 curricular outcomes and the chemistry-related outcomes in Physical Science 20. The text is divided into five units: Organic Chemistry, Structure and Properties of Matter, Energy Changes and Rates of Reaction, Chemical Systems and Equilibrium and Electrochemistry. The text features chapter summaries, self-quizzes and unit projects, incorporating Canadian examples and real-world applications.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $86.10
Record posted/updated: September 1, 2020
Glencoe Physics: Principles & Problems
The chapters in this textbook provide support for the Properties of Waves and Heat outcomes for Physical Science 20, but do not provide support for the Foundations of Chemistry outcomes. For Physics 30, the resource's content supports all of the curricular outcomes. Framed around big ideas and essential questions, each chapter is introduced by relating physics to students' lives. The chapters offer many real-world examples of how physics is involved in everyday objects, natural phenomena or experiences, as well as provides web links to related sites, labs and videos, example problems, demonstration and lab activities, a review, a study guide and a chapter assessment. Various sections, such as the On the Job, That's Entertainment and Frontiers in Physics sections, link the concepts studied to everyday life and careers and further help students understand what is being studied and discovered in today's physics research. The textbook does not address First Nations and Métis content, perspectives or ways of knowing.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $107.95
Record posted/updated: September 1, 2020
The Physics Book: From the Big Bang to Quantum Resurrection, 250 Milestones in the History of Physics
This book provides a historical timeline of more than 250 discoveries in physics, laws and theories. There is a one-page description with graphics for each topic.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $33.95
Record posted/updated: March 3, 2022
Physics 12. University Preparation. Student Book
This Canadian resource supports the Properties of Waves outcomes in Physical Science 20 and all of the outcomes in Physics 30 except radioactivity/nuclear technology. Each unit begins with the overall expectations and big ideas, followed by key concepts, mini-investigations and tutorials. Review questions are included throughout and a self-quiz concludes each chapter.
•  Physics 12. University Preparation. Teacher's Resource
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $82.95
Record posted/updated: November 25, 2018