(a) |
Design a scientific investigation related to a topic of study in Earth Science 30that includes a testable question, a hypothesis, an experimental design that will test the hypothesis and detailed procedures for collecting and analyzing data. (STSE, S) |
(b) |
Carry out an experiment following established scientific protocols to investigate a question of interest related to one or more of the topics of Earth Science 30. (S, A, K, STSE) |
(c) |
Assemble and reflect on a portfolio that demonstrates an understanding of a topic of interest related to biology. (S, A) |
(d) |
Participate in and reflect on a field experience related to one or more topics of Earth Science 30. (S) |
(e) |
Design, construct and evaluate the effectiveness of a device, model or technique that demonstrates the scientific principles underlying concept related to an Earth Science 30 topic. (STSE, S) |
(f) |
Debate an issued related to earth science, including developing materials to support the arguments for and arguments against a position. (A, K, S). |
(g) |
Share the results of student-directed research through a display, presentation, performance, demonstration, song, game, commercial, fine art representation, video or research paper. (S) |
(h) |
Construct a tool (e.g., rubric, checklist, self-evaluation form or peer-evaluation form) to assess the process and products involved in a student-directed study. (S, A) |
(i) |
Consider natural disasters in the news and discuss causes of these phenomena and their impacts on the human environment and natural environment. (S, STSE, A) |
(j) |
Produce a profile of the earth beneath their feet by locating oneself on the geological profile of Saskatchewan and relating this to the geological history of your area. (S, A) |