(a) |
Outline the distribution of the hydrosphere in groundwater, surface water, oceans, glaciers and the atmosphere. (S, K) |
(b) |
Discuss the types of evidence scientists gather to determine if water is or was present on other planets and celestial bodies. (STSE) |
(c) |
Research the technologies (e.g., acoustics, imaging, buoys and underwater vehicles) and processes scientists use to learn about the hydrosphere. (STSE, S) |
(d) |
Investigate how factors such as porosity and permeability influence the storage and movement of groundwater. (S, K, STSE) |
(e) |
Model the movement of groundwater, including the locations of reservoirs and flows, in a hypothetical or actual groundwater system. (S, K, A) |
(f) |
Provide examples of how groundwater works as an erosional agent, resulting in Karst topographic features such as sinkholes and caverns. (K, STSE) |
(g) |
Examine how groundwater storage and flow, along with the depth of the water table, are key considerations affecting the location and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure, including drinking water supplies. (K) |
(h) |
Provide examples of the ways in which rivers and streams erode, transport and deposit sediment to shape stream valleys and create depositional landforms such as deltas, levees and alluvial fans. (K) |
(i) |
Examine the importance of glaciers in the hydrologic cycle and Earth's climate. (K, STSE) |
(j) |
Consider how extended periods of glaciation, including potential Snowball Earth events, have impacted feedback loops related to the biosphere and other components of the geosphere. (K) |
(k) |
Explore how Earth's oceans affect climate through heat storage and transfer. (K) |
(l) |
Correlate the locations of the large wind-driven surface ocean currents and thermohaline circulation on Earth. (S, K) |
(m) |
Describe the ways in which changes in factors such as ocean salinity, ocean temperature and surface winds influence the processes of ocean convection and thermohaline circulation. (K, STSE) |
(n) |
Examine the impacts of climate change on the ability of oceans to moderate temperature, absorb carbon dioxide and resist acidification. (K, STSE) |
(o) |
Examine the role of governmental and non-governmental organizations in studying the effects of human activities on one or more components of the hydrosphere. (S, STSE, A) |