Create short dance phrases using the elements of dance including:
  • actions (locomotor and non-locomotor)
  • body (whole and parts)
  • dynamics (different ways of moving)
  • relationships (explore variety)
  • space (awareness of pathways, levels, sizes, shapes).
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Compare how contrasting movements can express different ideas (e.g., quick and light vs. slow and strong).
(b) Connect movements from dance explorations to create short dance phrases.
(c) Use different kinds of locomotor (travelling) and non-locomotor (non-travelling) actions in own dance compositions (e.g., travel, jump, turn, twist, fall, bend, stretch, and pause).
(d) Investigate and demonstrate locomotor actions using even and uneven rhythms such as walking, galloping, and running in time to an external beat, and apply to own dance phrases (e.g., How many ways can we travel from point A to point B matching our movements to the rhythm of the drum?).
(e) Investigate what own body can do in dance by exploring a variety of whole body and body part movements (e.g., What happens when we freeze the lower half of the body and dance with the upper half? How many different ways can we move through the space with different body parts leading?).
(f) Explore and identify, using own words, many different ways of executing movements (e.g., dynamic qualities such as quickly and softly) to express ideas.
(g) Identify and demonstrate many different kinds of relationship possibilities such as near, far, above, below, in front, behind, sideways, under, over, inside, around, leading, and following in dance explorations and compositions.
(h) Use various pathways on the floor when moving through space in dance explorations and compositions.
(i) Use a variety of directions, levels, sizes, and shapes in personal and general space during dance explorations and compositions.
(j) Identify own and peers' use of the elements in the dance-making process.
Stomp and Holler with Scott Richmond. Grades 1 & 2
Scott Richmond presents a series of original and classic songs to get you moving to the music. Students engage in active listening by responding to verbal, musical and visual cues. Patterns, actions and compositions are explored collaboratively through collective dance and vocal expression. In addition to dancing, moving and singing, students also act out some songs to help bring the stories to life.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 4, 2022
Métis Jigging Part 2. Grades 1 & 2
Krystle Pederson is a traditional jigger and Métis dance instructor. In Métis Jigging Part 2, Krystle talks about different styles of fiddle music and how jigging steps are incorporated into other styles of dance. Through demonstrations and practise, students build on the skills and knowledge gained in Part 1. Krystle introduces new jigging steps with an emphasis on travelling and working with a partner. She also demonstrates and shares her belief in the importance of community and working together.
PLEASE NOTE: Métis Jigging Part 2 builds on skills and knowledge from Part 1, which aired in 2015. Teachers should review Part 1 and its accompanying activities with their students before commencing Part 2.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Dance with Heather Cameron. Grades 1 & 2
Using pop culture music and videos as stimuli, students create movement vocabularies based on their artistic interpretation and personal perspective. Through demonstrations and group-led improvisations, students investigate their range of movement and explore a wider spectrum of physical qualities that instill concepts such as contrast and repetition.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 28, 2020
Métis Book Series
A set of 9 colourful books describing important aspects of traditional Métis lifestyle and culture.
•  Mama, What is Métis Beadwork?
•  Mama, What is Métis Music and Dance?
•  Mama, What is the Métis Sash?
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $124.95 (complete set)
Record posted/updated: June 30, 2021