Additional information for this strand is unavailable on this page. Please refer to the curriculum document for complete information about the strands in this curriculum.
Saskatchewan Arts Board
The Arts Board provides a wide range of services that enable Saskatchewan residents to experience and enjoy the arts. News, exhibitions, the permanent collection and links to other Saskatchewan art sites are provided.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2020
This website invites people to discover Saskatchewan's vibrant cultural community, explore how the depth and diversity of culture and cultural activity are essential to this province and experience a sample of Saskatchewan's rich cultural life. The site provides access to news, resources, information on key cultural issues and more.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2020
World Music and Rhythm Talk. Complete Curriculum
This comprehensive kit includes a teacher's guide with sample lessons that could be adapted to support Saskatchewan curricula, 10 music compact discs featuring contemporary and classical music and role play activities, video tutorials on DVD, a song book with words to all the songs on the compact discs, a book that accompanies the compact disc about the orchestra, flash cards of the instruments of the orchestra, picture cards of foods (used in some of the activities) and a stuffed dolphin with a recording box inside so that students can practise saying words in various languages and hear themselves when they hug the dolphin.
The classical music materials are available in the complete version of the resource, and they include: Peter and the Wolf/The Carnival of the Animals (compact disc), Mozart's Magic Fantasy (compact disc), Beethoven Lives Upstairs (compact disc), The Orchestra (compact disc narrated by Peter Ustinov and a book that introduces the instruments of the orchestra) and flash cards of instruments of the orchestra.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $429.99 US
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Drops of Brandy and Other Traditional Métis Tunes. Volume Two
On two compact discs, Volume Two of Drops of Brandy offers a comprehensive collection of traditional Métis fiddle tunes. It features accomplished Métis fiddlers including John Arcand, Mel Bedard, Hap Boyer, Ed Lafferty, Richard Lafferty, Garry Lepine and Homer Poitras.
A companion book of music to support the compact disc is available.
•  Drops of Brandy. An Anthology of Métis Music
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $19.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Honoring the People
Each CD contains 13-21 selections that are clearly listed on the CD liner. The liner opens to provide some background information on the type of traditional dance, on regalia and the type of movement. Each liner also has an illustration of a typical dancer in the appropriate regalia. The music includes the drum and vocal chanting for each piece. This resource provides authentic First Nations music that can be used for listening or to support dance.
•  Honoring the People. Chicken Dance
•  Honoring the People. Grass Dance
•  Honoring the People. Men's Fancy
•  Honoring the People. Men's Traditional
•  Honoring the People. Women's Fancy
•  Honoring the People. Women's Traditional
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $20.00 (each CD)
Record posted/updated: September 3, 2019
Step-by-Step Classroom Music 1. Teacher Manual
Especially useful for teachers with no background in music, this teacher manual provides detailed lesson plans that include objectives, assessment strategies, reproducible material and correlation to the accompanying compact disc. The back matter includes a glossary of terms and assessment rubrics.
•  Step-By-Step Classroom Music 1. Teacher Manual Supplement
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $139.95
Record posted/updated: October 19, 2019
Music Builders I
Music Builders I from the Music Builders Series is designed to provide the foundation for a year's work in music. This conceptually based program includes a set of two CDs and a teacher's manual. The CDs provide the stimulus for all the musical activities outlined in the teacher's manual. The material represents a wide variety of musical styles and includes songs, chants and stories set to music, as well as music for listening, playing and moving. Many composers and performers are featured.
The teacher's manual provides lessons for active music learning experiences through singing, playing, listening, creating, moving and visualizing. Activities that explore the elements of music - melody, rhythm, harmony, timbre, dynamics, style and form - are designed for both large and small groups and for individual experiences. The manual gives detailed lesson suggestions for sequential learning. It also provides openings for reinforcement of concepts in other subject areas. Teachers are encouraged to extend the activities and to add their own material.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $115.00
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Musicplay Grade 1
The teacher's guide in this play-based resource offers sample lesson plans, sheet music, games and written exercises for students. It also includes a table of contents, a glossary of music terms and an alphabetical index of the songs included.
Accompanying the teacher's guide are four compact discs with over 100 musical selections that are appealing to children. Both child and adult voices are used and some of the songs are by well-known children's entertainers. Accompaniments include Orff arrangements, multicultural songs in the original languages and piano and orchestral accompaniments. Performance songs include both accompaniment tracks and performance tracks.
Music specialists with training in Orff or Kodaly will find that this resource works well with both methodologies or as an integrated approach. Musicplay is also user-friendly for nonspecialists.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $125.00
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Classical Kids: A Comprehensive Study in Music With Connections Across the Curriculum
A bundle for each composer includes a audio compact disc as well as the comprehensive teacher's notes booklet.
•  Beethoven Lives Upstairs
•  Daydreams and Lullabies
•  Hallelujah Handel
•  Mozart's Magnificent Voyage
•  Mr. Bach Comes to Call
•  Tchaikovsky Discovers America
•  Vivaldi's Ring of Mystery
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $32.99 US (each bundle)
Record posted/updated: October 19, 2019
Lily and the Paper Man
At first, a young girl named Lily is afraid of a gruff homeless man who sells papers on the street. Later, as Lily snuggles down in her warm bed on a cold wintry night, she worries about the homeless man whose toes stick through his shoes. Lily discusses her concern with her doll and comes up with an action plan. This is a heart-warming story that carries valuable messages about caring for others and how a young child can make a positive difference in someone's life. The realistic-style paintings capture the various emotions felt by the characters in this touching story.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.95
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2020
Canadian Museum of History
Access to displays related to the arts and culture is provided on this site. In addition, there are sections for students and teachers which provide teaching aids and selected learning resources, as well as information on educational programs offered at the museum.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: August 29, 2020
Apt. 3
The sound of a harmonica leads to an understanding between a blind man and two boys who live in the same building in the city. This video is an adaptation of the picture book by renowned American author and illustrator Ezra Jack Keats.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $75.00
Record posted/updated: November 26, 2019
Museums Association of Saskatchewan - Museums Map
Using this online map, teachers and students can easily locate museums within Saskatchewan. The site provides the basic contact information, hours and links to specific websites for art galleries and historical museums.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: August 29, 2017
Aboriginality re-imagines the strength and spirit of First Nations culture through narrative mediums that connect urban First Nations youth to their rural ancestral histories. Dallas Arcand, world champion hoop dancer and hip-hop artist, is inspired by both new and traditional elements of First Nations culture. He plays dual roles in being both a positive First Nations presence in mainstream urban media and a touchstone to traditional First Nations roots and culture.
A teacher's guide is available.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Bang a Gong. Let's Create a Song!!!: Seven Simple Principles to Creating a Song Using Percussion and the Ostinato
Based on the author's own percussion methodology and his experience in teaching Orff and Kodaly, this resource presents seven simple steps that educators can use to teach and create music through the use of ostinato and percussion instruments. A favourable aspect of this resource is that the steps could be taught numerous times to the same students with different results. The book includes assessment tools.
Accompanying the book are eight teaching cards and three overhead transparencies.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $49.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Dem Bones
This colourful, animated and musical production combines a traditional African American spiritual with interesting facts about the bones of the human body. Singing, dancing skeletons introduce viewers to the major bones of the body in this adaptation of the book by Bob Barner.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $59.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 3, 2021
CBC Digital Archives. Arts & Entertainment
Oscar Peterson, Karen Kain, the Group of 7, Bill Reid, Glen Gould, Leonard Cohen, Robert LePage and the Rolling Stones are just a few of the profiles that the CBC Archives has pulled together on this website. Each of the musicians, artists and dancers highlighted on the site have several audio or video clips illustrating their work as well as suggested classroom activities. In addition to information on individuals or groups, there is coverage related to topics such as censorship.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: March 23, 2020
Razzberry Jazzberry Jam. Season 2
Razzberry Jazzberry Jam is an animated series that helps children discover their love for music and its many genres, including pop, jazz, salsa, rock, country and hip-hop.
•  A Royal Pain. Episode 11
•  Bongo Mania. Episode 5
•  Building to a Bang. Episode 8
•  Calling All Jazzberries. Episode 4
•  Genre Busters. Episode 10
•  Helping Hands. Episode 7
•  Jazzberries Unplugged. Episode 1
•  Mixmaster Flash. Episode 2
•  Music is Universal. Episode 3
•  The ABCs of Music. Episode 9
•  The Disappearing Act. Episode 6
•  The Jazzberry Express. Episode 12
•  The Voice of Change. Episode 13
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
The Carnival of the Animals: Poems Inspired by Saint-Saëns' Music
Inspired by Saint-Saëns' zoological fantasy, this appealing anthology combines 14 poems written at various levels by renowned authors with gloriously colourful illustrations of the animals represented.
An accompanying compact disc offers a reading of each of the poems, followed by the corresponding musical passage from Carnival of the Animals.
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $23.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
A Poodle in Paris
A poodle named Fifi wanders through Paris and visits her five favourite places. Fifi calls each of these places home because "home is where the heart is." These special places include a bistro, a dress shop, the Eiffel Tower, a boat and a dance club. The colourful collage art is most appealing.
A 12-song CD with lyrics, lead voice and music by Saskatchewan musician Connie Kaldor is included with the book.
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $22.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Fun with Composers: A Simple, Fun Approach to Classical Music
This resource offers a simple, entertaining way for music specialists and classroom teachers with no music background to teach classical music to young students.
•  Fun with Composers Volume I. Teacher's Guide
•  Fun with Composers Volume II. Teacher's Guide
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: October 19, 2019
Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils
The education programs and resources aim to provide Saskatchewan rural residents with access to the same opportunities afforded urban residents in the development of visual literacy. Education packages from previous touring exhibitions are available as resources for teachers and gallery staff. These packages offer arts activity ideas and strategies for engaging audiences in visual art.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 13, 2017
Together in Rhythm: A Facilitator's Guide to Drum Circle Music
Useful for teachers without a music background, this book is a how-to guide to drum circles. It offers sections on what a drum circle is, philosophy and approach, how to play the instruments, how to facilitate the drum circle, drum circle activities and music games and specific populations, including educational circles for children. Numerous black-and-white diagrams and photographs complement the text. Together in Rhythm provides a table of contents, a glossary, a bibliography and six appendices, which include an instrument guide, an instrument quick reference chart, a table of Drum Circle Music Iconography (DCMI) symbols and more.
An accompanying DVD helps to clarify the information in the book.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $31.19
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Responding to Arts Expressions
Responding to arts expressions is an important part of arts education. Viewing and listening are discovery processes that require critical and creative thinking in order to develop deep understanding of the arts. Throughout their arts education experiences, students are encouraged on a regular basis to respond actively to a wide range of art works from each of the four strands including dance, drama, music, and visual art. Students are also engaged in responding to films and other interdisciplinary forms of art.
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Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 14, 2020
The Amazing Jamnasium: A Playful Companion to Together in Rhythm
This book offers several rhythmic games and activities that are listed in order of complexity with the easier ones first and the more challenging ones last. The games are flexible, adaptable, expandable and designed to provide co-operative learning opportunities. The Amazing Jamnasium provides chapters on drum circle music cards and making your own instruments. Included is a table of contents.
Accompanying the book is an enhanced compact disc that offers video footage of many of the games and five rhythmic drum tracks.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $23.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Razzberry Jazzberry Jam. Season 1
Razzberry Jazzberry Jam is an animated series that helps children discover their love for music and its many genres, including pop, jazz, salsa, rock, country and hip-hop.
•  A Bonnie Tale. Episode 11
•  Billie's Biggest Fan. Episode 6
•  Forever Song. Episode 9
•  Give It a Rest. Episode 8
•  Happy Birthday House. Episode 4
•  Join in the Jam. Episode 12
•  Melody Makers. Episode 5
•  Move to the Beat. Episode 1
•  Phantom of the Jam. Episode 10
•  Solo on the Slide. Episode 3
•  Super Sounds. Episode 7
•  Tempo Trouble. Episode 2
•  Tuning In. Episode 13
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
The Jazz Fly
While asking for directions to town, Jazz Fly picks up the rhythm of the answers that he receives from a frog, a hog, a donkey and a dog. He later uses these catchy sounds to spice up his band's music.
A compact disc of the narration set to a jazz quartet is attached to the endpapers of the book.
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $23.80
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Arts Education 1. Additional Learning Resources (2011)
Organized by strand, this list of learning resources identifies high-quality resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to complement the curriculum, Arts Education 1. A list of core learning resources can also be found on the Ministry of Education website.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 4, 2019
Drum City
Rhythm and rhyme entice youngsters into joining a parade of children who have turned everyday items into drums. The drum parade also stops the adults who were going about their business and they join in the drumming. The energetic illustrations encompass all ages, genders, occupations and cultures in a shared drumming experience. The final phrase "Let's drum" calls everyone to join in the fun. Besides the music connection, the book can also initiate an exploration of cities, other cultures and co-operation.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.99
Record posted/updated: November 26, 2019
Arts Education 1. Core Learning Resources (2011)
Organized by strand, this list of learning resources identifies high-quality resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to complement the curriculum, Arts Education 1. A list of additional learning resources can also be found on the Ministry of Education website.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Stomp and Holler with Scott Richmond. Grades 1 & 2
Scott Richmond presents a series of original and classic songs to get you moving to the music. Students engage in active listening by responding to verbal, musical and visual cues. Patterns, actions and compositions are explored collaboratively through collective dance and vocal expression. In addition to dancing, moving and singing, students also act out some songs to help bring the stories to life.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 4, 2022
Soundtracks for Adventurous Kids with Felipe Gomez. Grades 1 and 2
Felipe Gomez is an educator, award-winning musician and adventurer. His interactive music program explores the importance of music in daily life. He shares his multimedia performance, "The Adventures of the Cycling Fox," a fusion of live music, spoken word and projections of video animations. During on-air activities, students learn to observe sound waves, patterns in music, rhythm and pitch. Felipe also demonstrates body percussion. Students use what they have learned to create their own musical scenes, giving sound to their thoughts and feelings.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 4, 2022
Adventures of the Cycling Fox with Felipe Gomez. Grades 1 & 2
Felipe Gomez shares his multimedia performance, "The Adventures of the Cycling Fox," a fusion of live music, spoken word and projections of video animations. During the video's activities, students learn to observe sound waves, patterns in music, rhythm and pitch. Felipe also demonstrates body percussion. Students then use what they have learned to create their own musical scenes, giving sound to their thoughts and feelings.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020
Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity
This document will assist individuals and communities to engage in meaningful discussions and actions to respond to the experiences, perspectives and needs of students and families who are gender and/or sexually diverse (GSD). It will: assist school divisions, central office personnel, administrators, educators, First Nations and Métis organizations and community partners to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity; assist in understanding the unique educational, health and safety needs of staff, students and their families who self-identify as gender and/or sexually diverse; provide practical strategies, suggestions and frequently asked questions to support schools and communities as they work with students to anticipate and overcome challenges related to transphobia, homophobia and heterosexism; acknowledge the shared responsibility of ensuring that all students who identify as gender and/or sexually diverse have the same opportunities for safety, socialization and success in schools; assist educators in planning curricular-based instruction and assessment to meet the unique needs of gender and/or sexually diverse students; and assist school divisions and First Nations and Métis organizations to fulfill their ethical and professional responsibilities to provide safe, equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students regardless of their actual or perceived differences.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 13, 2019
Treaty Education Outcomes and Indicators
The Treaty Education outcomes and indicators at each grade level are designed to engage learners on a journey of inquiry and discovery. When meaningfully and thoughtfully incorporated into subject areas, Treaty Education moves beyond an idea to become actualized as a belief that benefits all learners.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 13, 2019
Historical Learning Resources Updates
Learning Resources Updates provided an annual supplement to every subject-specific bibliography that supported K-12 curricula.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 2, 2019