Explain what constitutes a society.
Compare the factors that shape worldviews in a society, including time and place, culture, language, religion, gender identity, socio-economic situation, and education.
Analyze the ways a worldview is expressed in the daily life of a society.
Determine the influence of worldview on the choices, decisions, and interactions in a society.
Examine the challenges involved in obtaining information about societies of the past.
Synthesize the significance of key historical events in societies studied.
Assess the relationship of the natural environment in the development of a society.
Determine the influence of societies of the past on contemporary life in Canada.
Examine concepts of power and authority in the governance of the societies studied.
Analyze the impact of empire-building and territorial expansion on indigenous populations and other groups in the societies studied.
Investigate the roles and responsibilities of members of the societies studied and those of citizens in contemporary Canada.
Compare differing perspectives regarding the acquisition and distribution of resources and wealth in the societies studied.
Appraise the significance of trade and transportation in the development of the societies studied.
Determine the influence of technologies of past societies studied on contemporary society.