Apply a repertoire of strategies, with guidance, for developing components of health-related fitness, including cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, and muscular strength through participation in a variety of movement activities.
Analyze daily habits and actions that demonstrate personal engagement in, and taking personal responsibility for, leading a physically active life.
Explore, express, and apply, a variety of ways to skillfully move the body through space while participating in movement activities, including at a:
  • utilization level of skills when:
    • walking
    • running
    • jumping forward and landing
    • jumping sideways and landing
  • control level of skill when:
    • jumping backward and landing
    • hopping (body moves on one foot as in right foot to right foot)
    • skipping (combines a step and a hop)
    • leaping (body `takes off' from one foot, propels through air for distance, then lands on the opposite foot)
    • sliding (one foot steps and the other moves to meet the first foot, "step-close")
    • galloping (one foot steps, body propels upward, other foot moves to meet the first foot)
    • rolling forward (see note)
    • rolling sideways
  • progressing-towards-control level of skill when:
    • rolling backward (see note on page 34).
Explore, express, and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move the body on the spot while participating in movement activities, including at a:
  • utilization level of skill when:
    • balancing
    • jumping and landing on the spot
  • control level of skill when:
    • landing on hands from kneeling position
    • rotating on the spot
  • progressing-towards-control level of skill when:
    • landing on hands from a bent knee standing position.
Explore, express, and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move objects while participating in movement activities, including at a:
  • control level of skill when:
    • throwing
    • catching (collecting, gathering)
    • kicking
  • progressing-towards-control level of skill when:
    • hand dribbling
    • foot dribbling
    • striking objects with hands
    • striking objects with short-handled implements (e.g., short-handled racquets, paddles).
Vary the performance of the body, while performing locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills by applying the basic movement variables of:
  • space (general space, levels, directions, pathways, and extensions)
  • effort (time/speed, force, and flow)
  • relationships (with objects and with others).
Explore and demonstrate rhythmical movement with smooth transitions between movements in:
  • self-created patterns
  • responsive patterns, involving relationships with objects and others
  • established dances.
Apply a repertoire of strategies and skills, with guidance, for and through active participation in a variety of movement activities including:
  • low-organizational, cooperative, and inventive games involving locomotor and non-locomotor skills (e.g., tag games, follow-the-leader, fox and geese, parachute play, hopscotch)
  • target games (e.g., ring or hoop toss, bowling, bocce ball, curling)
  • alternate environment activities and games (e.g., hiking, skating, aquatics, orienteering, cross-country, skiing, cycling, dog sledding, tobogganing).
Examine and express the purpose of rules, procedures, etiquette, and safe behaviours and apply them while participating in a variety of movement activities.
Demonstrate self-control and a willingness to work and play cooperatively with all others (regardless of abilities, interests, and background experiences) while participating in movement activities.