Explore, express, and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move the body on the spot while participating in movement activities, including at a:
  • utilization level of skill when:
    • balancing
    • jumping and landing on the spot
  • control level of skill when:
    • landing on hands from kneeling position
    • rotating on the spot
  • progressing-towards-control level of skill when:
    • landing on hands from a bent knee standing position.
Indicators for this outcome

Use performance words (e.g., "leg in front of body", "feet tight together") to demonstrate understanding of performance cues language connected to skillful non-locomotor movement.


Say performance cues (think-aloud) while landing on hands from kneeling position and when rotating on the spot.


Describe how the body will move when in control of landing on hands from kneeling position and when rotating on the spot skillfully.


Balance in control for five consecutive seconds using a variety of bases of support such as one foot, one foot and one hand, two knees.


Balance in a front support position (on two hands and two feet) and then practise varying the balance by lifting points of contact (e.g., one hand, one foot, one hand and one foot together).


Balance on one foot and change the position of other body parts (e.g., leg in front of body and then behind body, arms to sides and then arms stretched above head, upper body straight and then twisted) moving smoothly and holding each new position for five seconds in control.


Jump straight up trying to touch or grab imaginary objects that are `up in the sky', and land in control (see grade one for description


Bend, twist, curl, and stretch the body while in the flight stage of a jump.


Perform a non-traveling sequence described by the teacher (e.g., jump straight up off two feet, land on one foot, hold balance while bending forward from the waist and extending leg that is in the air straight out behind).


Create and perform, alone or with a partner, a non-traveling series of controlled movements that involve jumping and landing on the spot and balancing in various ways, while moving smoothly and trying to maintain control during the transition.


Land on hands by falling forward, from a kneeling position, contacting the surface with finger tips then heels of hands, bending elbows gradually and slightly away from the body, and lowering self with very little sound as the body contacts the surface.


Rotate on the spot (turn) by placing one foot slightly ahead of the other, raising onto toes of both feet, holding arms straight out at shoulder height, turning body as far as possible in the direction of the back foot, then turning back, and lowering heels to the floor.


Rotate on the spot (jump turn) by starting with feet close together and arms down by sides and slightly forward, bending knees and swinging arms slightly back, swinging arms forward and up while straightening legs, rotating hips while in the air to turn a quarter turn, and landing in control.


Practise falling forward while standing with knees slightly bent and landing on hands on soft surfaces, keeping arms reaching straight, and as hands contact surface, begin absorbing body weight and force, gently lowering self to surface.


Explore, with guidance, and discuss falling forward from a standing position while keeping knees bent, varying the amount of bend.


Discuss safety factors and considerations for falling forward (e.g., ensure that knees are not the first part of the body to contact the landing surface).
