Explore, express, and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move objects while participating in movement activities, including at a:
  • control level of skill when:
    • throwing
    • catching (collecting, gathering)
    • kicking
  • progressing-towards-control level of skill when:
    • hand dribbling
    • foot dribbling
    • striking objects with hands
    • striking objects with short-handled implements (e.g., short-handled racquets, paddles).
Indicators for this outcome

Use performance words (e.g., "look at the ball", "step forward", "backswing", "follow through") to demonstrate understanding of performance cues language associated with skillful sending and receiving of objects.


Say performance cues (think-aloud) while throwing, catching, kicking, hand dribbling, foot dribbling, striking objects with hands, and striking objects with short-handled implements.


Describe how the body will move when in control of throwing, catching, and kicking skillfully.


Throw small objects (e.g., whiffle balls, bean bags) both overhand and underhand, with one hand, while looking at target and standing with hips open to the throwing arm side of the body, pointing non-throwing shoulder towards target, rocking backward and then stepping forward with the opposite foot from throwing arm, with hips and spine rotating to open to side of throwing arm, elbow flexing and held away from the body, non-throwing arm raising to shoulder level and pointing in direction of intended target, throwing arm extending backward into the backswing, and then throwing arm moving forward through release as non-throwing arm moves downward, and after release, throwing arm moves to a follow through in the direction of intended target.


Throw/roll small objects (e.g., bean bags, balls) along the ground, in intended direction.


Catch with two hands both a self-tossed and a gently thrown object (e.g., whiffle balls, bean bags) from an experienced thrower, such as an older student, by holding arms in front of body with elbows flexed when preparing to catch, tracking the object with the eyes, extending arms to meet the object, and pulling the object into the body.


Catch various sizes of self-thrown balls that rebound off a wall, gradually progressing in distance away from the wall.


Kick for distance (progressing in distance with additional attempts after form is consistent) by approaching the ball with a limited number of steps (one to five), leaping just before contact with the ball; flexing knee of kicking leg slightly, inclining the trunk backward, both before and during the contact; dispersing the momentum of the kick by hopping on the support leg and stepping in the direction of the kick; non-kicking foot plants beside and slightly behind the ball; top of kicking foot (shoelaces) contacting the ball directly behind the centre of the ball at a low level and pointing the toes downward; leg following through in the direction of the target.


Explore, with guidance, and discuss a variety of ways to dribble large balls with hands and feet (e.g., with two hands, with right hand, with left hand, with inside of right foot, with inside of left foot) to determine how the body movement changes when dribbling in different ways.


Explore, with guidance, and discuss how the body changes when striking a variety of balls with hands and short-handled implements (e.g., with right hand, with left hand, with paddle, with bare hand, underhand, overhand).


Practise bouncing a ball with two hands and catch it repeatedly, while remaining stationary.


Practise dribbling a ball with two hands continuously, while remaining stationary.


Explore dribbling a ball with one hand, and the other hand.


Practise dribbling a ball with feet in a forward direction, jogging slowly, alternating the foot used for contact and keeping the ball close to the foot.


Practise striking a balloon, foam ball, and/or beach ball upward with hand repeatedly while trying to remain in personal space.


Practise striking, repeatedly without missing, a balloon or a suspended ball using a lightweight paddle.


Explore, with guidance, throwing and catching, kicking and receiving objects while moving (e.g., walking, jogging, skipping, sliding).


Explore pulling and pushing a variety of objects (e.g., boxes, mats, large snowball, classmates) to determine changes in body position required to maximize the results of the effort.
