Vary the performance of the body, while performing locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills by applying the basic movement variables of:
  • space (general space, levels, directions, pathways, and extensions)
  • effort (time/speed, force, and flow)
  • relationships (with objects and with others).
Indicators for this outcome

Respond physically and correctly to movement vocabulary verbalized by the teacher (e.g., slide right, jump left, run in a big square, grow slowly, throw the ball sideways, close your stance, open your arms to the sky, lengthen your leap).


Respond physically and verbally to answer questions such as "Where is the open space?", and "How can you make sure that no one else is in your personal space when you are moving around?".


Create visual representation (e.g., symbols on paper, pictures) and respond physically to representations of others that present a picture of moving that includes different pathways (curved, straight, and zigzag), directions, and movement skills (e.g., running, hopping, rolling).


Create, represent, and perform, alone or with a partner, a sequence of locomotor and non-locomotor movements, that fit teacher-given criteria (e.g., balance at a low level with a round body shape, support weight at a high level while maintaining a wide shape, then rotate clockwise on the spot while standing tall).


Refine created sequences using feedback from teacher and/or peers on the smoothness and flow of transitions from one movement to another.


Send and receive objects at different levels and with varying effort (e.g., catch a ball thrown high in the air; throw a ball over a bench; kick a ball slowly on the ground).


Demonstrate an understanding of relationships by performing a variety of movements (e.g., beside, under, through, in front of, behind, even with, onto, on, over, and off) using various pieces of equipment and available objects such as a folding mat, branches, bench, box, rocks, hoop, balls, rope, logs, parachute, and climbing apparatus, alone and with others.


Mimic the movement of a variety of objects such as animals, plants in the wind, and vehicles.
