Examine and express the purpose of rules, procedures, etiquette, and safe behaviours and apply them while participating in a variety of movement activities.
Indicators for this outcome

Apply general and specific safety guidelines for participating in movement activities (e.g., appropriate permitted height on the climbing apparatus, carrying heavy equipment such as mats, number of people on a piece of playground equipment at one time) and respectful behaviours (e.g., take turns, use polite and inclusive language) that are appropriate for own age and ability.


Recognize the importance of practising safe behaviours (e.g., follow directions, perform within person limits, accept the limits of space, understand safety rules related to the space and equipment) alone and with others.


Discuss risk factors, and demonstrate and practise the safe use and care of equipment while participating in a variety of alternate environment activities (e.g., skates, ski boots, roller blades, snowshoes, cross-country skis).


Explain what would be appropriate clothing, footwear, and other safety articles (e.g., helmet for cycling, skating, curling, and tobogganing) to consider when participating in various movement activities.


Demonstrate taking responsibility for own clothing and equipment used in movement activities (e.g., keep track of mittens and dry them out as soon as possible when they become wet, tie running shoes when they become untied).


Convey appropriate messages (e.g., posters, role play, photos, storytelling) of safety rules and behaviours that apply to participation in family and community-based movement activities such as snowmobiling, swimming, bicycling, and boating.


Identify and explain basic safety and etiquette rules to be used during activities that occur outside of the school (e.g., school field trips, skating activities, riding a bicycle, community events, charitable fund-raising events that involve participation in movement activities).


Identify practices to assist an injured person (e.g., get help, do not move the person, avoid contact with body fluids).


Initiate and cooperate with others to gather and put away equipment following class-determined procedures.
