Demonstrate self-control and a willingness to work and play cooperatively with all others (regardless of abilities, interests, and background experiences) while participating in movement activities.
Indicators for this outcome

Discuss similarities and differences (e.g., likes/dislikes) of responses of self and others related to situations involving participation in movement activities.


Identify what is required to have harmony during participation in movement activities.


Practise positive ways (e.g., appropriate non-verbal communication, respecting personal space, maintaining a calm voice) to resolve conflicts (e.g., pushing, wanting to be first, not taking turns, saying hurtful things, leaving people out, needing to win) that occur while participating in movement activities.


Express insights to answer questions such as "Why do some people like certain games while others do not?", "Why should we learn how to play a variety of games?", "What can we do when some people do not enjoy the game we are playing?".


Identify and practise appropriate ways to share and express feelings and emotions, related to different movement activity situations, while in school and the community.


Display a willingness to share ideas, space, objects, and equipment when participating with others.
