nēhiyawēwin 10, 20, 30
Produce oral language that is understandable to others
Indicators for this outcome
(a) | identifies and uses terms related to kinship (e.g., sister, brother, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, etc.) |
(b) | expresses some emotions and feelings familiar to the classroom (by role-playing, talking circles) |
(c) | explains and follows rules, routines, and procedures related to a specific activity (playing a sport, preparing a meal, planning a meeting with others) |
(d) | retells parts of oral narratives using a variety of traditional and contemporary mediums to support the retelling such as, drama, dance, music or visual art |
(e) | communicates personal on topics of study or experiences, using a variety of mediums, such as video, art, music, narratives |
(f) | prepares a visual display of cultural information (e.g., pictures or technology that shows how to prepare food or hides) |
(g) | uses expressions to illustrate differences in register (formal vs. informal) |
(h) | identifies and produces uses of common regional or other variations in the nēhiyaw language |
(i) | uses politeness conventions in a variety of contexts (e.g., using suitable language to engage listeners' attention when beginning to speak) |
(j) | uses nonverbal communication in a variety of contexts (e.g., shrugging shoulders, pointing with lips, etc.) |
(k) | participates in ceremonies or feasts extracts the words known and then discusses the meaning |
(l) | builds vocabulary using pictures and props for word recognition |
(m) | strengthens vocabulary by interacting outdoors to become familiar with the weather and environment |

tānisi-kākī-itāhkamikahk piyak-ispathiw. Woodland Cree (TH)
While Jack and Okinis are at home sick, they remember the good times they had last summer. This authentic resource will provide an opportunity for students to test their knowledge and understanding of the Cree language. There is a set of questions to go along with a short description of each image. A reference chart is provided at the back of the book to assist with the pronunciation of the Cree letters. The text is solely in Woodland Cree, “TH” dialect.

nipostiskīn nipostiskawāw. Woodland Cree (TH)
This short book introduces basic clothing vocabulary and how to use the phrase "I wear...” The Cree alphabet is included, and the text is solely in Woodland Cree, “TH” dialect.

Cree Literacy Network
This website provides opportunities to learn about Cree language and culture through blog posts, video files and audio files of fluent Cree speakers. The site includes postings in the N, TH and Y dialects.
Links :
Click here
Media and Formats :
Price :

Record posted/updated:
May 12, 2020

Big Skunk. Plains Cree (Y)
This black and white storybook is written in Plains Cree (“Y” dialect), syllabics, and contains English translations. It is a retelling of a story that the author remembers hearing when he was a child on the trapline in Northern Saskatchewan. Included in the book are storytelling suggestions and questions to guide discussion. A reference chart is provided at the back of the book to assist with the pronunciation of the Cree letters.

nīmihitowak. Plains Cree (Y)
Grandmother and grandfather celebrate their 50th anniversary with a feast and dance. This resource is an authentic, illustrated short story. A reference chart is provided at the back of the book to assist with the pronunciation of the Cree letters. The text is solely in Plains Cree, "Y” dialect.

kiyokēw wāpan. Plains Cree (Y)
Wapan gets bit by okinis dog. This resource is a short illustrated story. A reference chart is provided at the back of the book to assist with the pronunciation of the Cree letters. The text is solely in Plains Cree, "Y” dialect.

awāsisak kiyokawewak omosōmiwāwa. Swampy Cree (N)
Jack and Wapan visit their grandfather at the farm. This resource is an illustrated short story. The text is solely in Swampy Cree, "N” dialect.

Teaching Cree Through Actions and Pictures. Plains Cree (Y)
Using the Total Physical Response approach to language teaching, this book provides a detailed description of how to do the action for the Cree word that is being taught. It includes samples of Cree grammar in Plains Cree (“Y” dialect).

100 Days of Cree
Based on a series of Facebook posts, the 100 short chapters or "days" in the book introduces a chain of related words, addressing both traditional and contemporary topics. It may be used to support developing Cree language skills and relates many words to notions present in Cree culture, explaining how some words are formed. A guide to Cree pronunciation is included. The Y dialect is used in the text. Caution: A few topics within the text may not be deemed appropriate for a school setting.

Teaching Sacred Language Curriculum (Book and Flashcards)
This curriculum, developed from a First Nations perspective, provides a framework of strategies and tools to enable holistic language learning. This model will work with any Indigenous language and incorporates methodologies such as Accelerated Second Language Acquisition (ASLA), Total Physical Response (TPR) and elements of the standard roman orthography (SRO) and modified roman orthography (MRO) systems. Included are assessments based on traditional ways of knowing and monthly charts for language acquisition routines throughout the year. The curriculum book and 305 flashcards may be purchased as a single bundle or separately.
(More information)

pihcāyihk, wathawītimihk, otihtapapiw = Inside, Outside, Upside Down. Woodland Cree (TH)
A rabbit has an adventure when he goes to town in a box. This book utilizes repetition and short simple sentences to assist in learning new words. A reference chart is provided at the back of the book to assist with the pronunciation of the Cree letters. The text is in Woodland Cree, "TH” dialect and in English.

pihcāyihk, wayawītimihk, otihtapapiw. Woodland Cree (TH)
A rabbit has an adventure when he goes to town in a box. This book utilizes repetition and short simple sentences to assist in learning new words. A reference chart is provided at the back of the book to assist with the pronunciation of the Cree letters. The text is solely in Woodland Cree, "TH” dialect.

wāpiski-minōs = The White Cat. Plains Cree (Y)
A white cat is used in this short storybook to teach the cats’ body parts, colours and play activities. The book utilizes repetition and short simple sentences to assist in learning new words. A reference chart is provided at the back of the book to assist with the pronunciation of the Cree letters. The text is in Plains Cree, "Y” dialect, and in English.

wāpiski-pōsīs. Woodland Cree (TH)
A white cat is used in this short storybook to teach the cats’ body parts, colours and play activities. The book utilizes repetition and short simple sentences to assist in learning new words. A reference chart is provided at the back of the book to assist with the pronunciation of the Cree letters. The text is solely in Woodland Cree, "TH” dialect.

pihcāyihk, wayawītimihk, otihtapapiw. Swampy Cree (N)
A rabbit has an adventure when he goes to town in a box. This book utilizes repetition and short simple sentences to assist in learning new words. A reference chart is provided at the back of the book to assist with the pronunciation of the Cree letters. The text is solely in Swampy Cree, "N” dialect.

How to Say It in Cree. Plains Cree (Y)
This book provides Plains Cree (“Y dialect”) words and activity prompts on a variety of topics. It provides many examples of popular themes that may be used in everyday discussion. A glossary provides English to Cree translations.

mâci-nêhiyawêwin = Beginning Cree
This Cree textbook provides short lessons on various topics with exercises and questions to practice what has been learned. The focus is on the use of Standard Roman Orthography. The importance of understanding and using proper grammar is emphasized throughout. Some elements may suit beginner learners while others are more advanced.

Nehiyawetan (Let's Speak Cree) Series
Nehiyawetan: Let’s Speak Cree invites children to learn Cree with Kai, Kayla, and Auntie Josephine though kinetic games, stories, songs and adventures.
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 1. Review
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 10. Music
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 11. Scary Stuff
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 12. Coyotes in the City
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 13. Pow-Wow
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 2. Storytelling
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 3. Sports
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 4. Canoeing in the City
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 5. Making Art
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 6. Theatre
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 7. Being Healthy
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 8. Winter Solstice
Nehiyawetan. Season 3, Episode 9. Sun, Moon, Stars
Media and Formats :
Price :
$1200 (full season, includes 13 episodes)

Record posted/updated:
July 25, 2022