Improvise in a jazz style on an instrument showing developing understanding of applicable jazz theory.
Integrate the understanding of jazz theory into personal musical performance.
Show growth in individual instrumental techniques and knowledge of the elements of music, and apply these to create or show a musical product.
Listen and respond as a jazz performer when playing jazz.
Listen to jazz as a jazz performer when not personally playing the music.
Develop ability to analyze jazz music independently in real time while making or listening to the music.
Individually develop and apply criteria to use in critical evaluation of performances of jazz music.
Demonstrate the knowledge and the implementation of the skills, techniques, and attitudes necessary for successful ensemble performance.
Explore personal ability to distinguish aurally the different eras, genres, styles, and feels of jazz by listening to and/or performing the representative music.
Examine jazz music and its performers and educators and their influence in the world.
Explore the relationship between jazz and "classical" music.