The Thief Lord
Two urchin brothers are offered protection by a gang of street children and their ringleader, the Thief Lord. Embroiled in a life of petty crimes, the two boys yearn for an opportunity to leave this venue. As a detective uncovers the identity of the Thief Lord and the location of the boys' hideaway, the plot takes a surprising twist. Elements of fantasy are intertwined as the ruffians steal a piece of a magic carousel that possesses the power to change a child to an adult and vice versa.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Pearson Literacy in Action 7
This integrated resource provides support for the three curriculum goals: comprehend and respond, compose and create and assess and reflect on language abilities. It also addresses the six strands: reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing. Included in the resource is a variety of formats to support resource-based learning. Topics included address current issues of concern, provide opportunities for deep discussion and allow students to continue to develop their skills in the six strands of the English language arts.
Instructional strategies are explained and differentiating instruction is addressed to assist teachers with the diversity within the classrooms. Assessment opportunities support students in their growth as self-directed learners. There are a number of assessment tools (diagnostic, formative and summative) to inform teaching.
(More information)
•  Audio CD Package (Grade 7)
•  Complete Teacher Resource (Grade 7)
•  EcoZone. Action Magazine
•  EcoZone. Teacher Resource
•  Find Your Own Path. Teacher Resource
•  Find Your Own Path/My Choice, My Voice. Student Edition
•  Magazine Teacher Resource (Grade 7)
•  My Choice, My Voice. Teacher Resource
•  Pearson Media Literacy 7 DVD Package
•  Persuade Me. Action Magazine
•  Persuade Me. Teacher Resource
•  Persuade Me/Speak Out! Student Edition
•  Speak Out! Action Magazine
•  Speak Out! Teacher Resource
•  Survive! Action Magazine
•  Survive! Teacher Resource
•  Survive!/EcoZone. Student Edition
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Nelson Literacy 7
Nelson Literacy 7 provides support for the three curriculum goals: comprehend and respond, compose and create and assess and reflect on language abilities. It also addresses the six strands: reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing.
Included in the resource is a variety of formats to support resource-based learning. Instructional strategies are explained and differentiating instruction is included to assist teachers with the diversity within the classrooms. The "Release of Responsibility" model has students demonstrating and applying their knowledge in a variety of ways.
A comprehensive approach is used to teach the cues and conventions and they are incorporated into the framework of the lesson plans. There is integration with social studies, science and health.
(More information)
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Magazine Add-To Pack
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Magazines for Independent and Guided Practice
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Media Package
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Modelling and Shared Reading Package
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Student Book 7A
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Student Book 7B
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Student Book 7C
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Teacher's Resource Box
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Crossroads 7. Student Edition
This integrated resource offers a broad range of Canadian selections complemented by a variety of First Nations, Métis and Inuit and multicultural perspectives. It provides a variety of opportunities for students to experience the six language strands and to use them across the disciplines.
The student anthology is organized into six main units: Personal Focus, Science and Technology, Media Perspectives, Issues and two genre units - Short Stories and Essays. Each unit features a unit-at-a-glance page that identifies key learning outcomes and provides end-of-unit reflection activities that form the basis for formative assessment and evaluation. There are cross-curricular links throughout the anthology.
(More information)
•  Crossroads 7. Teacher's Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $74.50
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Mysteries, Uncanny Incidents, and Unusual Happenings: A Model Thematic Unit for Grade 7
This unit challenges students to consider the unusual, the mysteries, and the secrets of our world - both real and imagined.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 25, 2019
Truth and Lies
Mike is at the centre of attention in this murder mystery because a witness has identified him near the crime scene. His alibis do not check out with the police and the people around him find it difficult to trust Mike because he has lied to them in the past. Mike must find evidence to prove his innocence before he is convicted for the murder of his classmate, a crime he did not commit.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $7.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
In the Heart of the Sea (originally published as Revenge of the Whale): The True Story of the Whaleship Essex
This is an authentic account of the Whaleship Essex that was attacked and sunk by an extraordinarily large whale in 1820. The ship sailed out of Nantucket to hunt for whales to harvest the whale oil. Three small lifeboats were launched as the Essex sank. In this abridged version of Heart of the Sea, Philbrick recounts the details of cannibalism and execution that were pieced together from a cabin boy's diary made public in 1984. Most of the book deals with the crew's struggle to survive and their eventual rescue three months later. This story gives students the opportunity to read about a way of life that no longer exists. Readers will witness heroism, cowardice and the fierce will to live. The photographs, drawings and maps enhance the text and were drawn by the surviving cabin boy.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Come Again in Spring
Old Hark enjoys living in his weather-beaten house, chopping wood, doing his chores and reflecting on his long life. His greatest joy is feeding the birds that have wintered over and have come to depend on him. When a black-robed figure materializes out of the fields, brandishing the Book of Time, an exchange follows. The old man must reach deep into his memory to answer three questions, so that he may continue to feed the birds next spring. Come Again in Spring is a tale about mortality, responsibility and fate. The film is adapted from a story by Richard Kennedy.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Dead and Gone
Mike has to work at the community centre because his guardian, Riel, wants to teach him a lesson about trying to get something for nothing. Mike notices that the caretaker at the centre, Mr. Henderson, takes a particular interest in the girls, especially one swimmer, Emily Corwin. When a body is discovered in the woods, Mike works with Riel's friends, Detective Jones and Dr. Susan, to solve the mystery surrounding the death of Emily's mother and the new case that seems to be linked.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Worlds Afire
Based on a true event in 1944, a circus fire in Hartford, Connecticut kills 167 people and injures many more. Janeczko's poetic novel includes haunting poems that describe the events in the voices of 29 eyewitnesses including children, adults, circus people, the audience and the townspeople.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
SightLines 7
SightLines 7 offers a wide range of contemporary materials that support outcome-based teaching and learning. This integrated resource, consisting of both student and teacher materials, provides a variety of opportunities to learn how to use the six language strands.
•  SightLines 7. Student Anthology
•  SightLines 7. Teacher Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: October 27, 2019
Haunted Canada: True Ghost Stories
This book consists of 35 short stories. Each story presents a quick description of a real-life haunting, then gives possible realistic explanations for the event and ends on a quizzical note. The reader is left to decide whether to accept the haunting or the practical explanation. Two of the stories are set in Saskatchewan. Each story is illustrated with a small stylized sketch and there are some historical photographs. The book lacks both a table of contents and an index.
The Saskatchewan Young Readers' Choice Willow Awards Committee nominated this book for the 2004 Diamond Willow Award.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $7.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024