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What is a core resource? Core Resources
A core resource is a foundational or key resource that complements a curriculum in an especially effective way. It may be a comprehensive resource that broadly addresses several of the student learning outcomes (e.g., a major integrated resource, series, textbook), an in-depth student resource that addresses at least one student learning outcome or a professional resource for educators.
50 Literacy Strategies: Step by Step(4th ed.)
This publication provides research-based instructional literacy strategies useful for elementary and middle level educators. Each strategy indicates the instructional focus (oral language, phonemic awareness/phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, writing, spelling and content areas), the grade levels, step-by-step instructions on how to use the instructional strategy and when to use the strategy. Scaffolding for English as an additional language learners is described and samples of students' works are presented. The index allows the user to find specific literacy strategies and strategies for certain grades.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $42.75
Record posted/updated: June 22, 2018
Actions and Reactions. Teacher Instruction and Assessment Design Handbook
The teacher handbook contains four main sections that include suggestions for unit planning, assessment and evaluation strategies and sample units. Also included in the teacher resource are rubric templates, graphic organizers, goal-setting sheets, story maps and self-assessment samples.
Media and Formats : Book Document
Price : $163.95
Record posted/updated: October 27, 2019
Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice for Effective Standards-Based Instruction(1st Canadian ed.)
Assessment is an important aspect of education. This book provides teachers with the knowledge to incorporate high-quality assessment and evaluation into the classroom. Teachers will understand the purpose of classroom assessment and evaluation, the types of learning targets, and which type of assessment and evaluation is most appropriate for the various learning targets. The author presents the integration of assessment and evaluation with instruction before, during, and after an unit. Grading and reporting student performance are also covered.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: June 5, 2018
Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning(4th ed.)
Doug Buehl provides a variety of literacy development strategies that stress effective learning across the curriculum. There are 41 user-friendly literacy skill-building strategies that may be unfamiliar to those outside the reading field. Each can be easily adapted to a variety of student ability levels. The strategies can be used at the middle level and at the secondary level.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $32.95 US
Record posted/updated: June 5, 2018
Comprehension and Collaboration: Inquiry Circles for Curiosity, Engagement, and Understanding(Revised ed.)
Inquiry circles provide a structure that supports students in building knowledge that matters in their lives. The authors suggest fundamental classroom conditions that are needed for active, small-group learning. Lessons in comprehension, collaboration and research are provided. The authors provide how-to instructions for four models of small-group inquiries: mini-inquiries, curricular inquiries, literature circle inquiries and open inquiries. Assessment and evaluation strategies are also provided.
The book includes a table of contents, references and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Inquiry
Price : $49.50
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Content Area Reading and Literacy: Succeeding in Today's Diverse Classrooms(8th ed.)
Using a student-centred approach to teaching literacy, this resource explores methods of understanding and teaching content reading to middle and secondary level students. Inclusive of students from diverse cultural and language backgrounds, the resource details effective reading strategies, assessment and evaluation techniques, the role of prior knowledge, literate thinking and creating a favourable learning climate. It includes methods for integrating technology and writing strategies and presents a holistic perspective regarding literacy instruction.
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Media and Formats : Book Document
Price : $110.40
Record posted/updated: April 2, 2019
Crossroads 7. Student Edition
This integrated resource offers a broad range of Canadian selections complemented by a variety of First Nations, Métis and Inuit and multicultural perspectives. It provides a variety of opportunities for students to experience the six language strands and to use them across the disciplines.
The student anthology is organized into six main units: Personal Focus, Science and Technology, Media Perspectives, Issues and two genre units - Short Stories and Essays. Each unit features a unit-at-a-glance page that identifies key learning outcomes and provides end-of-unit reflection activities that form the basis for formative assessment and evaluation. There are cross-curricular links throughout the anthology.
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•  Crossroads 7. Teacher's Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $74.50
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Deeper Reading: Comprehending Challenging Texts, 4-12
This resource is for teachers who want to move students beyond surface-level comprehension of challenging texts. Some of the strategies that Gallagher employs are: accepting the challenge of reading difficult texts, monitoring student comprehension as they read, using meaningful collaboration to achieve deeper comprehension and using critical thinking skills to analyze real-world issues.
Gallagher has structured the resource to examine key reading issues and to present effective strategies that teachers can use to move their students to deeper comprehension levels.
The resource includes a table of contents and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $30.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Do I Really Have to Teach Reading?: Content Comprehension, Grades 6-12
This book is for teachers who want to improve their students' reading comprehension in the content areas for Grades 6-12. Tovani demonstrates in detail several strategies that can effectively increase student comprehension. This resource provides support to teachers who do not feel comfortable teaching the reading strand. Do I Really Have to Teach Reading? is a useful book that gives examples of teaching reading in the content areas and offers advice on how to balance instruction and content. This book has the potential to help students become better readers and lifelong learners.
Included are a table of contents and an appendix of sample activities.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $30.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Engaging Readers & Writers with Inquiry: Promoting Deep Understandings in Language Arts and Content Areas with Guiding Questions
Through the use of research and classroom experience, Wilhelm demonstrates that inquiry is easy to teach. He shares practical ideas for turning goals and outcomes into engaging authentic questions that propel students toward deep understandings.
Included in the book are examples of guiding questions for every content area, sample lessons and activities that deepen thinking about topics and prepare students for more meaningful reading and writing experiences.
Included are a table of contents and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Inquiry
Price : $26.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
English Language Arts 7. Additional Learning Resources (2009) Updated 2011
This list of learning resources identifies additional resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to support the curriculum, English Language Arts 7. A list of core learning resources can also be found on the Ministry of Education website.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 25, 2019
English Language Arts 7. Core Learning Resources (2008) Updated 2011
This list of learning resources identifies additional resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to support the curriculum, English Language Arts 7. A list of additional learning resources can also be found on the Ministry of Education website.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
InfoTrac Literature Resource Center Database
This database contains full-text journal articles, literary criticism, reviews, biographical information and overviews on over 130,000 writers from all disciplines and time periods.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
International Federation for the Teaching of English (IFTE)
IFTE's mission is to promote the work and voices of English and literacy teachers through its member associations and in the world of English teaching generally. It works through conferences, links with associations with similar aims, electronic and other forms of publication and both formal and informal networks of English and literary professionals.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 2, 2019
Nelson Language Arts 6. Choosing Peace
The anthologies integrate the six strands: reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing. A variety of genres, media texts and learning strategies are presented. The resource components consist of two student texts, each containing three units. The student texts are divided into six thematic units, each focusing on one context: personal, information, media, social, technical or cultural.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $43.50
Record posted/updated: August 30, 2021
Nelson Language and Writing 7. Student Book
This resource connects spelling, vocabulary development, language study, usage and style and mechanics within a writing process. The student text is divided into four main sections: narration, description, exposition, and persuasion. The resource combines short multigenre reading selections, mini-lessons, practice exercises, and skill development activities in a colourful format. The resource builds on the ideas and experiences of student lives and encourages meaningful language use through the writing process. A table of contents and an index are provided.
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•  Nelson Language and Writing 7. Teacher's Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $46.95
Record posted/updated: October 27, 2019
Nelson Literacy 7
Nelson Literacy 7 provides support for the three curriculum goals: comprehend and respond, compose and create and assess and reflect on language abilities. It also addresses the six strands: reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing.
Included in the resource is a variety of formats to support resource-based learning. Instructional strategies are explained and differentiating instruction is included to assist teachers with the diversity within the classrooms. The "Release of Responsibility" model has students demonstrating and applying their knowledge in a variety of ways.
A comprehensive approach is used to teach the cues and conventions and they are incorporated into the framework of the lesson plans. There is integration with social studies, science and health.
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•  Nelson Literacy 7. Magazine Add-To Pack
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Magazines for Independent and Guided Practice
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Media Package
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Modelling and Shared Reading Package
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Student Book 7A
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Student Book 7B
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Student Book 7C
•  Nelson Literacy 7. Teacher's Resource Box
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Pearson Literacy in Action 7
This integrated resource provides support for the three curriculum goals: comprehend and respond, compose and create and assess and reflect on language abilities. It also addresses the six strands: reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing. Included in the resource is a variety of formats to support resource-based learning. Topics included address current issues of concern, provide opportunities for deep discussion and allow students to continue to develop their skills in the six strands of the English language arts.
Instructional strategies are explained and differentiating instruction is addressed to assist teachers with the diversity within the classrooms. Assessment opportunities support students in their growth as self-directed learners. There are a number of assessment tools (diagnostic, formative and summative) to inform teaching.
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•  Audio CD Package (Grade 7)
•  Complete Teacher Resource (Grade 7)
•  EcoZone. Action Magazine
•  EcoZone. Teacher Resource
•  Find Your Own Path. Teacher Resource
•  Find Your Own Path/My Choice, My Voice. Student Edition
•  Magazine Teacher Resource (Grade 7)
•  My Choice, My Voice. Teacher Resource
•  Pearson Media Literacy 7 DVD Package
•  Persuade Me. Action Magazine
•  Persuade Me. Teacher Resource
•  Persuade Me/Speak Out! Student Edition
•  Speak Out! Action Magazine
•  Speak Out! Teacher Resource
•  Survive! Action Magazine
•  Survive! Teacher Resource
•  Survive!/EcoZone. Student Edition
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Planning for Inquiry: It's Not an Oxymoron!
Diane Parker provides an up-close look at the underlying structure of an inquiry-based approach, what such an approach might look like in practice and how it can happen in the classroom. Supported by stories and examples, Parker shares a practical yet non-prescriptive framework for developing lessons from learners' questions and authentic classroom events. The strategies can be adapted for both short- and long-term planning with students. Included are a table of contents, an index and appendices that offer assessment tools, sample planning forms, sample advocacy efforts and more.
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Inquiry
Price : $24.99 US
Record posted/updated: April 2, 2019
ResourceLines 7/8
ResourceLines 7/8 contains strategies for learning and using all six language arts strands in authentic contexts. It also includes a chapter on researching and a language handbook that addresses usage, syntax, spelling and style. This student resource was designed for both teacher-directed instruction and independent student work.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $55.91
Record posted/updated: August 19, 2018
Saskatchewan Writers' Guild (SWG)
SWG is an organization that promotes Saskatchewan writers. The Guild's mission is to improve the status of the writer in Saskatchewan. The Guild offers conferences and writers' retreats and publishes the members' newsletter, entitled Freelance and a publication of literature written by Saskatchewan high school students, entitled Windscript.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
SightLines 7
SightLines 7 offers a wide range of contemporary materials that support outcome-based teaching and learning. This integrated resource, consisting of both student and teacher materials, provides a variety of opportunities to learn how to use the six language strands.
•  SightLines 7. Student Anthology
•  SightLines 7. Teacher Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: October 27, 2019
Student's Oxford Canadian Dictionary(2nd ed.)
This dictionary contains over 2,000 Canadian words and meanings. The inside front cover has a chronology of the English language and the back inside cover has definitions of literary terms. A guide at the beginning of the dictionary describes how to use the reference book and includes words borrowed from other languages that have not been fully integrated into English. Phrases in the entries help clarify the meanings. Examples are provided for words that have ambiguous meanings. The appendices have a section on irregular verbs, punctuation and capitalization.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $24.95
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
Teaching Grammar and Punctuation in the Twenty-First Century
This teacher resource uses students' own writing as the context for developing students' grammar and punctuation skills. The Canadian resource provides useful tools and strategies to help students progress from writing complete sentences to understanding concepts such as tense, number and structure. Highlights include: a skill development approach that encourages students in each phase of learning; examples of student reading and writing provide practical ideas and exercises; and additional online resources, such as student reading passages and activities and extra teaching suggestions.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $49.95
Record posted/updated: June 13, 2018
The Grammar Plan Book: A Guide to Smart Teaching
The best method of teaching language conventions is to integrate them into units and lessons. This book explains how to teach language conventions this way. Through examples of innovative educators teaching language, teachers are presented with concepts to use in the classroom. Although this publication is not a language handbook, it includes most of the language concepts that students need to know. The book is useful in planning focused lessons and it includes a sample scope-and-sequence chart.
Included are a table of contents and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $31.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
The Science of Spelling: The Explicit Specifics that Make Readers and Writers (and Spellers!)
Through current research, the author reveals that spelling instruction is crucial for teaching every aspect of literacy and offers techniques for the following: making appropriate use of instructional devices such as scaffolding, hand and finger spelling and letter boxes; managing word lists and word sorts; differentiating spelling instruction and assessment and evaluation evaluating spelling resources. Included are rubrics, research-based forms, a table of contents, a bibliography and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $30.95
Record posted/updated: April 30, 2019
Turtle Island Voices Grade 7
This set contains 4 different anthologies, a teacher guide and a CD-ROM. The four anthologies are titled: Action!, Marvellous Machines, Protecting the Planet and There For You. Each anthology contains a variety of genres that include traditional stories, graphic stories, poems, and multiple types of informational texts representing Indigenous geographical areas across Canada. The concepts of interconnectedness, respect for life, and a better future for all living beings are underpinnings of the selections. A CD-ROM is also available that contains digital version of each title that can be projected or used with interactive whiteboards.
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Media and Formats : Kit
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 15, 2022
What are additional resources? Additional Resources
Additional resources also complement the curriculum in an effective way and are of the same variety as core resources. However, where funds are limited, educators are advised to start by purchasing core resources.
"Reading Don't Fix No Chevys": Literacy in the Lives of Young Men
The authors interviewed 49 middle and secondary level male students from a wide range of backgrounds in order to determine how the young men use literacy and what conditions promote it. Several factors under consideration include socioeconomic background, race, performance and type of school. The research shows that boys favour literacy activities outside of school that provide an escape from the stresses in their lives. The authors explain how progressive curricula and instruction can help boys become more engaged with literacy. The authors note that the same principles apply to female students in the classroom.
Teachers will find this book useful to help them identify situations that promote literacy and consider the implications for classroom practices.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $38.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
A Broken Flute: The Native Experience in Books for Children
A Broken Flute is a collection of reviews that critically evaluate children's books about Native Americans written between the early 1900s and 2003. Stories, essays and poems accompany each review. The authors reviewed over 600 books and arranged the reviews alphabetically by title. The selected titles cover preschool, K-12 levels and adult and teacher materials.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $82.50
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
A Company of Fools
Henri, a quiet and sickly choirboy, chronicles the events of the previous year when the Black Plague struck France and a street urchin arrived at the abbey. Although astonished by the waif's outlandish antics and angelic voice, Henri is drawn into a needed friendship with the boy. The two boys accompany a troupe of monks, called A Company of Fools, who entertain the sufferers of the plague. During a performance, Micah's voice is believed to have cured a sick child. Micah is revered by the Parisians and his inflated ego results in a horrific tragedy.
The diagram of the abbey, a map indicating the spread of the Plague, a glossary and a historical note provide additional information about 14th century medieval Europe.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $11.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
A Different Kind of Beauty
This sequel to Bringing Up Beauty, which won the Silver Birch Award in Manitoba's Young Readers' Award, shows how the training of a guide dog is a difficult process. The story is told by Elizabeth and Kyle. Elizabeth vows she will never train another guide dog, however, in an attempt to keep her friend Scott at her side, she decides to train another dog without getting attached. When Kyle starts at Elizabeth's school, she thinks that he has a bad attitude. Kyle has lost his eyesight prematurely because of his diabetes; he is terrified of dogs and tries to cope with a white cane and poor helpers. After a big party, Elizabeth and her dog, Beauty, meet Kyle and a new kind of beauty is discovered by all.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $11.95
Record posted/updated: September 13, 2023
A Kick in the Head: An Everyday Guide to Poetic Forms
The author takes students on a journey of poetic forms. The book includes 29 examples of poetic forms, but not all the examples strictly follow the rules. Janeczko provides an explanation of each poetic form and the rhyme schemes.
Included in the book are a table of contents and background notes on the poetic forms.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
A Pizza the Size of the Sun: Poems to Act Out
This humourous collection of poetry is characterized by strong rhythm, rhyme and silly situations or characters. The poems are of varied length and are illustrated with line drawings. Included are a table of contents and an index to titles.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.50
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Abela. The Girl Who Saw Lions
Abela's family is affected by AIDS; her mother and sisters are dying of the disease. In England, Rosa's mother announces that she wants to adopt a girl from Tanzania, the country that Rosa's father is from. After Abela's mother dies from AIDS, her Uncle Thomas plans to sell Abela in Europe. Abandoned in London, Abela is forced to stay indoors to cook and clean. Meanwhile, Rosa likes being the centre of her mother's attention and does not want a brother or sister. The two parallel stories intersect neatly as the two girls have a shared heritage and become family.
Abela undergoes female circumcision and the description of the actual circumcision is implied but is dealt with discretely.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $11.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Andrei and the Snow Walker
In this book, Warwaruk celebrates the diverse cultures of Canada in the early 1900s. Andrei and his family have left the Ukraine and settled on a homestead near Batoche, Saskatchewan. Andrei's grandfather shares stories from the past with his grandson about the horsemanship of the Cossacks and the Scythian Cup, a relic of the ancient Ukrainians. The cup brings strange, magical visions to Andrei. When Andrei is caught in a blizzard, he is saved by the Snow Walker, a wise man with unique powers.
Students will learn about the customs of both Cree and Ukrainian people through this novel.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
ASCD is "dedicated to quality teaching, learning, and leadership." The organization publishes resources on all aspects of education including English language arts. The Language, Literacy and Literature Network provides teachers with a forum to share information. The periodical Educational Leadership includes articles for English language arts teachers.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
Bamboo Schools
In Nepal, Uttam Sanjel had a dream to provide an education for all of Nepal's poor children. This film combines Sanjel's hard work with the self-portraits of three young pupils who use the camera to film their own lives. This account takes us to the heart of the struggle to provide an education to Nepal's children desperate for knowledge by a determined man.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $90.00
Record posted/updated: December 1, 2017
Biography. Teacher's Edition
The teacher's editions contain brief author biographies, teaching suggestions and cross-references to other selections in the series. Included are peer and student assessment charts and surveys.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: May 24, 2017
Bobbie Rosenfeld. The Olympian Who Could Do Everything
This biography documents how Canadian Olympic medalist, Bobbie Rosenfeld, changed the way society viewed female athletes. As a young Jewish woman playing sports when it was unbecoming for a woman to be an athlete, Rosenfeld overcame many barriers. Rosenfeld immigrated to Canada in 1905 and became a star player in ice hockey and softball. She also excelled in tennis and track and field, leading Canada's relay team to an Olympic gold medal and winning a silver medal herself in the 100-metre event in 1928. Bobbie Rosenfeld is remembered not only for her athletic skills, but also for her kindness and her drive for equality. Dublin provides interesting tidbits about the Olympics, the different decades and the historical events that occurred from 1900-1950 both in Canada and the world.
This book was a finalist in 2004 for the Norma Fleck Award for Canadian Children's Non-Fiction.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $14.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Caged Eagles
This sequel to War of the Eagles is an account of one family's struggle to understand the injustice that has overtaken their lives and the racism that has imprisoned their community. Set during World War II, Caged Eagles follows a 14-year-old Japanese boy, Tadashi Fukushima, as he and his family are forced to evacuate the coastal area of British Columbia. They are detained in Hastings Park, a guarded area surrounded by chain link fencing topped with barbed wire. This historically accurate account of the treatment of Japanese-Canadians will provide young adults with a memorable reading experience.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Camp X
The setting is Whitby, Ontario in the summer 1943. Two brothers, 12-year-old George and 14-year-old Jack, are left on their own a lot while their father fights overseas and their mother works in a munitions plant. As the boys explore the town they have moved to, they play war games. One game brings them to what looks like a military base. They are escorted home and ordered to stay away, but curiosity brings them back to Camp X. The boys become involved in the work of the top-secret spy camp and soon learn that everyone is under suspicion, including themselves.
The story is fictitious, but a spy camp was established in Whitby in 1941 by the Canadian who headed British security during the war. This Canadian, Sir William Stephenson, appears in the novel in a minor role as Little Bill.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $11.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Casey at the Bat
Morse has reinvented the poem, Casey at the Bat, through strong visuals. Casey (a.k.a. KC) is a swaggering, cool young man and his Mudville 9 are a group of multiracial, inner-city kids who play ball. The ball ground is an urban jungle of chain link fences, concrete buildings and graffiti-covered walls. Morse stays true to the poem's spirit by the images of intensity, emotion and drama felt during the ball game.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $11.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Chiefs and Champions Series
This series looks at First Nations athletes in Canada. In addition to being athletes, many became leaders in their communities as well as advocates and role models on international levels.
•  Alwyn Morris. Kayaking
•  Angela Chalmers. Distance Runner
•  Billy Two Rivers. Wrestling
•  Chief Roger Adolph. Boxing
•  Darren Zack. Fastpitch Softball
•  Fred Sasakamoose. Hockey
•  Gino Odjick. Hockey
•  Richard Peter. Wheelchair Basketball
•  Ross Powless. Lacrosse
•  Sharon and Shirley Firth. Skating
•  Tom Longboat. Distance Runner
•  Waneek Horn-Miller. Water Polo
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $1,800.00 (complete series)
Record posted/updated: September 20, 2021
Clara's War
Clara and her family leave their home in Prague and the privileged life they enjoyed before the war broke out, simply because they are Jewish. They are taken to the city of Terezen, a concentration camp. The Nazi guards force the people to stand outside in the cold and rain. This is not a typical concentration camp. Some of the inmates are quite well known in their fields of art, poetry and music, and they decide to produce a children's opera called Brundibar to offer some hope to the children in the camp. Clara manages to make friends in spite of the horrible circumstances and even secures a lead role in the opera. The Red Cross sends a group of observers to inspect conditions at the camp and they see improved buildings and white picket fences as well as an opera for the children as planned by the Germans. This novel reveals the horrors and tragedy that the Czechoslovakian Jews endured during the war.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Come Again in Spring
Old Hark enjoys living in his weather-beaten house, chopping wood, doing his chores and reflecting on his long life. His greatest joy is feeding the birds that have wintered over and have come to depend on him. When a black-robed figure materializes out of the fields, brandishing the Book of Time, an exchange follows. The old man must reach deep into his memory to answer three questions, so that he may continue to feed the birds next spring. Come Again in Spring is a tale about mortality, responsibility and fate. The film is adapted from a story by Richard Kennedy.
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Cool to Be Kind: Random Acts and How to Commit Them
Cool to Be Kind records the personal accounts of four 20-year-olds who travelled across Canada from Mile 0 to St. John's committing random acts of kindness on The Extreme Kindness Tour. This book documents how performing a simple act of kindness can make a difference in someone's life. The group spent nights on the street with the homeless, roofed houses, visited hospitals and staged protests. This book offers inspiration for readers to become involved in assisting others.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $19.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Critical Literacy: Enhancing Students' Comprehension of Text
In part one of this book, the authors provide teachers with information on how they can engage students to learn to comprehend from a critical viewpoint. Students need to learn to view text with a critical lens so they understand how we are influenced by text. Part two includes examples of critical literacy by focusing on challenging the text, exploring identities and seeing beyond biases. The book encourages the reader to think about multiple perspectives or voices, question, problem solve and make connections between the text and the world.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $26.99
Record posted/updated: May 24, 2017
Dead Man's Gold and Other Stories
Yee has created 10 stories of Chinese immigration to Canada. Infused with the supernatural, the tales detail the hardships, prejudice and gruelling labour endured by the immigrants. Stark illustrations add to the dark and serious tone of the book. Arranged chronologically, the stories shed light on the Chinese experience in North America.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Dead and Gone
Mike has to work at the community centre because his guardian, Riel, wants to teach him a lesson about trying to get something for nothing. Mike notices that the caretaker at the centre, Mr. Henderson, takes a particular interest in the girls, especially one swimmer, Emily Corwin. When a body is discovered in the woods, Mike works with Riel's friends, Detective Jones and Dr. Susan, to solve the mystery surrounding the death of Emily's mother and the new case that seems to be linked.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Define "Normal"
When conservative straight "A" student Antonia Dillon is approached to become a peer counsellor to troublemaker and punk rocker Jazz Luther, she reluctantly agrees to become part of the program. As the counselling progresses, the two girls discover that they have more in common than they realized. When Antonia's family life falls apart, Jazz appears to be her only lifeline. This darkly humorous book begs readers to question their stereotypes regarding normal and abnormal people.
This book was nominated by American Library Association (ALA) as a Best Book for Young Adults in 2004.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $11.86
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Dive Series
Four young teenagers are summer interns at the Poseidon Oceanographic Institute. The contemporary adventures of the four interns are interwoven with the story of Samuel Higgins, a cabin boy on the Griffin, a ship that went down in 1665.
•  Dive. Book One: The Discovery
•  Dive. Book Three: The Danger
•  Dive. Book Two: The Deep
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Dovey Coe
A 12-year-old tomboy is accused of murdering her sister's boyfriend in this drama set in the hills of North Carolina in 1928. The story is narrated by Dovey in a frank, authentic voice and builds momentum right up until the surprising conclusion. Dovey's need to protect both her deaf brother, Amos, and her sister, Caroline, makes her a believable victim.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
A retelling of the classic tale "East of the Sun and West of the Moon," this is a resource to use in the study and discussion of superstition. Pattou's writing places readers between myth and fantasy in this fairy tale that involves magic, superstition and suspense. Many universal themes are dealt with in this story. Family dynamics and how they are influenced by individual and family values are most evident. Rose is a female explorer, which makes this story interesting because most explorers are male.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Ellen Fremedon
It is summertime and Ellen Fremedon decides that she is going to write a book. But Ellen's plans get sidetracked when a developer announces plans to build a new subdivision over an aquifer that supplies the town's water. Ellen's Dad opposes the developer's plan and Ellen is on Dad's side. The suspense grows when Ellen's twin siblings disappear.
Other characters who round out the story include Ellen's Mom who has multiple sclerosis, Ellen's friend Jenny, Larry the helpful librarian, Ellen's Gran and Gran's new boyfriend Mr. Barclay.
The Saskatchewan Young Readers' Choice Willow Awards Committee nominated this book for a Diamond Willow Award in 2006.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
After a devastating flood claims the lives of Andy's mother and stepfather, the 11-year-old boy is sent to live with his aunt in Halifax. Upon learning that his father is still alive, Andy flees his harsh environment in search of a man he has long forgotten. After finding his dysfunctional father, Andy assumes the role of an adult due to his father's unreliability and lack of parental skills. Heneghan infuses Irish folklore as the Sheehogue or fairies follow Andy and serve as protectors. As Andy returns to his aunt's house, he discovers a place where he belongs.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
For the Children
This collection of poems speaks of Mi'kmaq life and the hope for a better world. Elder Rita Joe addresses topics such as residential schools, a cure for an ingrown toenail, pollution and death. In some of the poems, the Mi'kmaq words are translated as Joe had done in her original manuscripts. The book includes a table of contents.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $18.95
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
Haunted Canada: True Ghost Stories
This book consists of 35 short stories. Each story presents a quick description of a real-life haunting, then gives possible realistic explanations for the event and ends on a quizzical note. The reader is left to decide whether to accept the haunting or the practical explanation. Two of the stories are set in Saskatchewan. Each story is illustrated with a small stylized sketch and there are some historical photographs. The book lacks both a table of contents and an index.
The Saskatchewan Young Readers' Choice Willow Awards Committee nominated this book for the 2004 Diamond Willow Award.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $7.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
I Read It, But I Don't Get It: Comprehension Strategies for Adolescent Readers
Many useful ideas for improving adolescents' comprehension are included in this slim, highly readable volume. I Read It, But I Don't Get It is organized into three parts. Parts 1 and 2 contain chapters that pertain to topics such as Fake Reading, Connecting the New to the Known and What's the Plan?
Each chapter begins with a student quotation and an anecdote involving a problem in reading encountered by the author in an actual classroom of adolescent students. The strategies presented in the book are based on research that defines the thinking strategies used by proficient readers. The roles of purpose in reading, motivation and use of prior experiences constitute the basis for many of the strategies. The book aligns with current research regarding effective reading instruction. The notion that meaning in reading is constructed as readers interact with text is at the root of the strategies presented.
Part 3 consists of three short appendices that contain forms to be used to facilitate implementation of the strategies presented in the preceding chapters.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $33.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
In the Heart of the Sea (originally published as Revenge of the Whale): The True Story of the Whaleship Essex
This is an authentic account of the Whaleship Essex that was attacked and sunk by an extraordinarily large whale in 1820. The ship sailed out of Nantucket to hunt for whales to harvest the whale oil. Three small lifeboats were launched as the Essex sank. In this abridged version of Heart of the Sea, Philbrick recounts the details of cannibalism and execution that were pieced together from a cabin boy's diary made public in 1984. Most of the book deals with the crew's struggle to survive and their eventual rescue three months later. This story gives students the opportunity to read about a way of life that no longer exists. Readers will witness heroism, cowardice and the fierce will to live. The photographs, drawings and maps enhance the text and were drawn by the surviving cabin boy.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The novel is based on the Kwakiutl transformation narrative that centres on the belief that when the salmon are scarce, a warrior can call them back by diving into the water and turning into a salmon. Nano and her twin brother Nanolatch, children of a chief of the Kwakiutl Nation on the Northwest Coast, are about to embark on their initiation into adulthood. Nanolatch is destined to become the chief and Nano faces marriage to a boy from another nation and a life apart from her family.
The twins' father leads a war party that destroys a neighbouring village. The captive of the raid, Noh, is the daughter of a shaman, who has a strong spiritual affinity to the Spirit World and to nature. The fate of the twins and Noh converge, thus altering their lives. Together, the young people work to save the nation from becoming extinct, in spite of the predetermined positions expected by the adults. This novel takes a look at the traditional roles that society expected in the 15th century and, at the same time, is a plea for the conservation of the endangered migrating salmon.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
International Literacy Association (ILA)
The International Literacy Association (ILA), formerly known as the International Reading Association or IRA, is an association of professionals who are committed to literacy. It publishes the journals The Reading Teacher, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy and Reading Research Quarterly.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
Island Trilogy
In this trilogy, six troubled teens learn about cooperation and teamwork.
•  Island Book One. Shipwreck
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: August 30, 2021
John McCrae's War: In Flanders Fields
The First World War's terrible Second Battle of Ypres has just broken out in Belgium. Canadian troops, stationed along the Yser canal, are under heavy fire and the number of casualties is mounting. Among the dead is Alexis Helmer, killed early on the morning of May 2, 1915 - the victim of a direct hit from a German shell. Dr. John McCrae, a friend of Helmer's, is there to pick up the pieces of the body and deliver a burial service over the gun blasts. McCrae would later pen the poem, "In Flanders Fields," while looking out over Helmer's grave.
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
Keepers of Life: Discovering Plants Through Native Stories and Earth Activities for Children
This resource contains traditional First Nations stories, information and activities to reinforce the need for balance in ecology. The book looks at the relationships among people and the natural world and provides opportunities for the integration of literary response and scientific investigation. Included are a table of contents, numerous line drawings, a glossary, an index of activities and a general index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $33.95
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
Told in free verse, Libertad, Julio, and his mother eke out a living near the Guatemala City dump. Their father has left for the United States to find work. After their mother is killed in a freak accident, Libertad realizes they will not have any hope for the future if they stay in Guatemala. Working as street musicians, the boys travel to the Rio Grand River, where they must find a way to cross into the United States to find their father.
The text is based on a young boy named Mariano and his journey. Fullerton also uses the experiences of young people entering the United States to develop the text.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Little Voice
Ray, an impoverished young Ontario girl of Ojibway and Caucasian heritage, is having difficulty dealing with the death of her father and accepting her cultural background. She does not get along with her peers and she feels that her mother has no time for her. Life improves for Ray when her grandmother, an Elder and healer, helps Ray to accept herself and maintain her cultural heritage in a modern world.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Looking for X
This novel is told from the perspective of 11-year-old Khyber, who feels isolated both at school and at home where she lives with her single mother and autistic twin brothers. Her only friend is a bag lady whom she meets from time to time in a nearby park. When Khyber is accused of vandalizing school property, she seeks out the elusive bag lady to testify to her innocence. The book gives insight into the thinking of a young girl living in poverty in Toronto.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: August 21, 2018
Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners
Beginning as Harvard's Project Zero, the authors provide a research-based approach to teaching thinking. The authors provide suggested strategies to develop students' thinking dispositions and at the same time, deepen their understanding of the topics they study. The text includes a DVD of video clips of visible thinking in practice in classrooms.
The text also includes a table of contents and an index.
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $35.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Missing Nimâmâ
Kateri is a young girl, growing up in the care of her grandmother in her mother’s absence. She reaches important milestones such as her first day of school, first dance, first date, wedding and first child, all in the presence of her mother’s spirit. Told in alternating voices, this illustrated book is a story of love, loss, and acceptance, showing the human side of the tragedy of missing and murdered Indigenous women. An afterword by the author provides a simple, age-appropriate context for young readers.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publishers.
Record posted/updated: September 13, 2023
My Childhood Under Fire: A Sarajevo Diary
It is June 6, 1995, and the first day of the seige of Sarajevo. Twelve-year-old Nadja Halilbegovich's life changes forever. Constant tank and sniper fire forces the people of Sarajevo to live in fear. Sarajevo is blockaded and has no reliable electricity, water or medical supplies. As with all Sarajevians, Nadja must scrounge for basic necessities.
Written in diary format, the book tells of Nadja's teenage years during a time of war. The book includes black-and-white photographs of Nadja, her family and Sarajevo.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
NCTE promotes teaching, research and student achievement in English language arts. It publishes the journals Language Arts and English Journal.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
No Place for Kids
In Alison Lohan's No Place for Kids, contemporary subjects such as death, abandonment, child abuse and homelessness are dealt with in a way that helps youth explore these issues and think of their own ability to deal with adversity and survive. Sisters Sarah and Jennifer leave their alcoholic father in search of an aunt in Vancouver after being faced with possible sexual abuse from one of their father's friends. Along the way, they enter the dangerous world of the homeless. The plot and characters are well developed and the author makes good use of Canadian settings.
Discussions could be lively when talking about the issues arising from this novel.
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
NoveList Plus and NoveList K-8 Plus Databases
NoveList Plus and NoveList K-8 Plus are located on the Biographies, Books and Literature page of the Online Magazines, Journals, and Newspapers. These databases are fiction guides for all ages and level of readers. They include titles in series, subject access to fiction, full-text book reviews, recommended lists, annotations and summaries.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 13, 2017
Of Sound Mind
As the only hearing person in the family, teenaged Theo resents his role as the designated interpreter. Additional pressure mounts as his father suffers a stroke and concerned friends offer Theo support. A romantic friendship prods Theo to examine his family role in relation to his personal needs. This poignant tale of family dynamics will appeal to many middle level readers.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.99
Record posted/updated: September 13, 2023
Peril at Pier Nine
Jack lives to sail, have adventures and get in trouble. When the "Noronic" docks at Ward Island, Jack and his friends gather to admire it, but an invitation is needed from one of the passengers to come on board. Jack spots Henry and talks him into inviting Jack and his group to tour the ship. The Noronic is everything Jack has dreamt about and vows one day he will captain this ship.
Jack cannot sleep that night and looks out towards the pier. Jack sees that the ship is on fire and without thinking, he runs to the harbour and takes out the island's only motorboat, hoping to help the passengers. Jack is able to pull Henry and many others from the water although Henry's dad is lost. Another rescue boat joins him and between them, they save 51 people. Jack is a hero of sorts, but many people blame him for taking the boat out on his own instead of calling someone older to help.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Picasso. Soul on Fire
This short biography of Picasso, illustrated in visual text format, introduces students to one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. The text and visuals highlight Picasso's experiences, both positive and negative, that contributed to his unique style. Dramatic descriptions of Picasso's working methods permit the reader to see Picasso's environment through his eyes. This book uses a unique layout to present the work of Picasso on one page and on the other side, the oil paintings of the illustrator and author.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $22.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Rapid Ray. The Story of Ray Lewis
The achievements of Ray Lewis, a medal-winning track-and-field athlete, are depicted in this biography. Drawn from personal interviews, the author describes the prejudice endured by the African-American athlete while training and working grueling hours as a porter. Photographs of the runner and his achievements paired with a story of an Olympic medalist who defied societal and cultural norms paint a picture of a true hero.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Reading is Seeing: Learning to Visualize Scenes, Characters, Ideas, and Text Worlds to Improve Comprehension and Reflective Reading
This resource provides teachers with an overview of the research on visualization strategies and how this research may be used to improve students' reading comprehension. In each chapter, the author combines theory, personal experience and practical teaching activities to scaffold the learner's experience.
Strategies include ways to activate and build background knowledge, to elaborate on textual details, to make inferences, to develop mental models of nonfiction text and to make text-to-text connections.
Sample student work illustrates the expected outcomes of each particular technique. Suggestions are included for struggling and advanced readers.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $29.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Rebel Women: Achievements Beyond the Ordinary
This book highlights eight women in Western Canada who dared to choose their own lifestyles rather than what society prescribed. For example, Nell Shipman (1892-1970) opened an independent production company to make films in Canada, Isobel Gunn (1780-1861) was an Orkney woman who disguised herself as a man to work as a labourer for the Hudson Bay Company and Georgina Binnie-Clark fought against unjust laws such as the Homesteaders Act that did not allow women to own land in Canada.
This book provides information about western women not often mentioned in the history books.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Reciprocal Teaching at Work: Powerful Strategies and Lessons for Improving Reading Comprehension(3rd ed.)
Featuring a variety of classroom settings, this resource presents engaging lessons that implement a discussion technique to improve reading comprehension. This technique, reciprocal teaching, is based on teacher modelling, student participation and four strategies that readers use to comprehend text: predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing.
A detailed description of the four comprehension strategies (applicable to visual, oral and written text), ideas for leading students in reciprocal teaching, discussions in different social contexts and appended assessment forms are included in this resource.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $42.95 US
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Response Journals Revisited: Maximizing Learning Through Reading, Writing, Viewing, Discussing, and Thinking
Response Journals Revisited is an updated, expanded and revised version of Response Journals. It explains what response journals are, why and how they are used, skills that they help students to develop and ways to evaluate journals, both formatively and summatively.
The book offers guidelines, rubrics, samples of student responses and extensive background information. It includes a table of contents, a glossary and an index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $24.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Rock 'N Learn Writing Strategies
In this video program, Marko helps a friend develop a real writing passage demonstrating each of his tools in action. Using his toolkit, Marko explains to students how to brainstorm ideas, consider the audience and purpose, find a hook to interest readers, organize sentences and ideas, use transitional phrases, use effective dialogue and enhance the written piece with similes, onomatopoeia and alliteration.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $19.99 US
Record posted/updated: September 25, 2017
A blend of fact and fiction, this novel highlights Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope's ability to raise awareness and funds for cancer research. A young, troubled boy accompanies his newspaper-columnist father to the marathon. Inspired by the Canadian hero's courage and determination, the young boy quickly befriends Fox. The boy's newfound friendship is then threatened by his father's exploitive article.
Endorsed by the Terry Fox Foundation, this drama enlightens readers to one of Canada's unforgettable heroes.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Samuel de Champlain. Father of New France
This book provides an historical view of the life of Samuel de Champlain. The reproductions of the original documents and the pictures from his journal add to the authenticity of the era. Legaré documents Champlain's efforts to start a settlement on the shores of Quebec and the St. Lawrence Valley. Champlain devoted all his time to give France a foothold in the New World. Champlain dealt with the hardships of the Canadian winters and explored the country with the Huron people as his guides. Champlain played a significant role in the development of New France and the birth of Canada as we know it today.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.95
Record posted/updated: November 1, 2019
Shades of Meaning: Comprehension and Interpretation in Middle School
This book has many strategies that will engage students so they can succeed in reading and comprehending text. The book is based on a workshop format, so the author models and verbalizes her reading and comprehension strategies and then has her students apply the skills. Students learn to interpret text, explore and analyze ideas and articulate and justify their opinions. The students learn skills that can be applied throughout their lives.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $30.95
Record posted/updated: June 22, 2018
Silver Threads
Anna and Ivan escape poverty and hardship in Ukraine and immigrate to Canada to start a new life. As they start to build their homestead, World War I breaks out. Ivan volunteers to fight for his new homeland. When Ivan tries to enlist, he is declared an enemy and is arrested. Anna returns to her home and plants crops.
Over the years, Anna is unable to clear land and is threatened with eviction from her homestead. After years in an interment camp, Ivan returns home after escaping. Together, they are able to clear land and keep their homestead.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Socratic Circles: Fostering Critical and Creative Thinking in Middle and High School
The author has written a book about student-led discussions based on real-life examples. The book begins by outlining the benefits of Socratic circles and how these circles develop students' academic and social skills in reading, listening, speaking, and conflict resolution. Step-by-step guidance is provided on establishing Socratic circles, and this book benefits teachers who are new to literature circles and teachers who want to improve their knowledge of this strategy. Ideas are presented on aligning Socratic circles with curricula. Assessment and follow-up activities are also provided.
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Inquiry
Price : $27.95
Record posted/updated: September 22, 2018
Griffin does not like speeches because his past experience was humiliating. When his teacher, Mr. Furlong, announces that it is time for the yearly speech, Griffin starts to panic and tries to find a way out of it. His best friend, Bryan has a great idea - Griffin should take a "vow of silence" on the issue of child soldiers. Griffin agrees to go along with it and his protest sets off a chain of events that he is not prepared for. In the end, Griffin discovers that silence is powerful.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Sprouts! An Anthology of Plays from Concrete Theatre's Sprouts New Play Festival for Kids
This collection of short plays explores growing up. Each play is designed for a 15-minute performance. The plays provide numerous opportunities to explore multicultural narratives, personal experiences and acceptance of individual differences. The book includes a table of contents and brief background information on each play.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $25.00
Record posted/updated: January 1, 2019
Stories from the Seventh Fire Series
Titles in this series include Autumn, Spring, Summer and Winter. Recommended through the Western and Northern Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Basic Education for English Language Arts, this collection of Northwestern Canadian First Nations legends consists of two DVD programs, each accompanied by a teacher discussion and activity guide.
These engaging DVDs present storytelling in the oral tradition of the First Nations culture using authentic voices. Effective use of animation and live-action wildlife footage help to bring the legends to life. The humorous and contemporary DVDs will appeal to a wide range of audiences.
Each teacher's guide provides a story synopsis, learning outcomes, cross-curricular connections and a variety of engaging activities to accommodate different learning approaches. Supplemental resources listed in the bibliography include print, videos and websites.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $99.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Stories of Courage: Saskatchewan Second World War Veterans Remember
This series of eight videos presents the personal stories of 17 Saskatchewan residents who served during the World War II.
•  Aboriginal War Experiences. Episode 5
•  Commemoration. Episode 8
•  HMCS Regina. Episode 3
•  Price of Freedom. Episode 2
•  Prisoners of War. Episode 4
•  Soldiers Return Home. Episode 7
•  Supporting the Troops. Episode 6
•  Training and Preparing for War. Episode 1
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: August 24, 2021
Susanna's Quill
Johnston has written a fictionalized account of the life of Canadian author, Susanna Moodie. In the early 19th century, Susanna makes a name for herself as a poet even when writing was not socially acceptable. Susanna falls in love with John Moodie and moves to Canada with the promise of free land and opportunity. John Moodie makes several poor investments and the family is haunted by debt. Susanna struggles to maintain her status as an author. While they lived in a log shanty, Susanna Moodie became depressed trying to cling to her Victorian ideals of rank.
Students will observe the perseverance and determination it took to survive as a pioneer in Canada.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $14.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Tag Team
Jes struggles with his self-concept as he encounters challenges on many fronts. Often the target of bullies due to his small stature, Jes reluctantly accompanies a friend to join the wrestling club. To his surprise, he learns that size is not important in the wrestling arena. As Jes experiences success in this sport, he starts to develop self-confidence, even though he continues to encounter negative and discouraging comments from his peers and his stepfather.
Decision making and conflict resolution come into play, offering students opportunities to consider alternative behaviours.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
That Incredible State
This video explores the precious period where notions and attitudes take shape in a child's mind, where questions come in waves, and the answers do not always make sense. Several visual artists, writers, and musicians recollect a time or an incident from their childhood that changed the way in which they looked at the world. They face some of their childhood fears again, while paddling around Saskatchewan lakes, walking across frozen dugouts, or facing the limitless, wide-open spaces of their youth. These memories are paired with the insightful, humorous and often surprising answers that children gave to some very important questions.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Elders Are Watching
The author and artist ask the reader to respect the natural treasures of the environment and bring a message of concern from Aboriginal leaders of the past. The text and paintings complement each other in this thought-provoking book.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $21.95
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
The Goose Girl
Hale has written an original tale similar to the Grimm's fairy tale of the princess who became a goose girl before she could become queen. Anodori, Crown Princess of Kildenree (a.k.a. Ani), spends her first years under her aunt's guidance learning to communicate with animals, but she is never comfortable speaking with people. When her silver-tongued lady-in-waiting leads a mutiny during Ani's journey to be married in a foreign land, Ani is helpless and cannot persuade anyone to assist her. Becoming a goose girl for the king, Ani eventually uses her own special, nearly magical powers to find her way to her destiny. Ani is a girl who must find her own unusual talents before she becomes queen of the people she has made her own.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Gravesavers
In the wake of a family tragedy, Minn Hotchkiss is sent to spend the summer with her sour grandmother in the seaside town of Boulder Basin, Nova Scotia. Almost as soon as she arrives, Minn discovers the skull of a human child on the beach. She becomes fixated in a mystery that reaches back more than a century, to the aftermath of the most tragic shipwreck in Maritime history before the Titanic.
Over the course of the summer, Minn will discover romance with a boy who turns out to be much more than he seems and will learn that the grandmother she resented is more curious, dedicated and surprising than she had ever guessed. By summer's end, Minn will solve a ghostly mystery and finally be able to give up the terrible secret she has kept locked in her heart.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
The Hydrofoil Mystery
Set in 1915, William's mother feels that her son is socializing with the wrong crowd and is headed for trouble. In an attempt to turn this around, she has arranged for William to spend his summer working for an inventor, Alexander Graham Bell, on a hydrofoil boat. The boat is to assist the Allies in defending coastal waters against the Germans. William expects the summer to be boring, but the few months turn out to be action-packed as he and his co-workers get involved in a frightening mystery. The reader gets a good sense of what life was like during this time as well as some insights into the historical context of Bell's inventions.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place
A companion novel to Silent to the Bone, Konigsburg gives us a glimpse of camp life for 12-year-old Margaret Kane. Margaret is tormented by her cabin mates and refuses to be intimidated by the rigid camp director. Rescued by her elderly uncles and taken to their home, Margaret is appalled to discover that the city has ordered that the artistic towers her uncles have created in the backyard over the past 45 years are to be taken down because they do not adhere to the new guidelines for the now historic district. Stung by the idea that profit-seeking interest groups manipulating government regulations could destroy the real history of art, Margaret swings into action to fight a tyranny greater than the one she encountered at camp.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Perilous Year
A sequel to The Hungry Year finds the O'Carr family living in Upper Canada for 10 years. The boys, Alex and Ryan, are looking for more adventure than just working for their father on the farm. Their father brings home a new wife and their older sister, Kate, marries and moves away. Alex gets involved with a group of pirates and his family presumes he has drowned until he walks into his own funeral. The boys are not prepared when the pirates return to the farm and want their help to recover their hidden gold.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Real Winnie: A One-of-a-Kind Bear
When Harry Coleburn was a military officer and a veterinarian in 1914 during World War I, he acquired a female black bear named Winnipeg. The story takes place against the backdrop of World War I and moves on to the London Zoo. Author A. A. Milne and his son Christopher meet the bear and the children's story of Winnie-the-Pooh begins.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $16.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The River
In this sequel to Hatchet, Brian returns to the forested area where he had previously been stranded. This time he is accompanied by a government psychologist who will study Brian's survival techniques to provide advice in future emergencies. Instead, a freak storm incapacitates his companion and Brian finds himself responsible for getting the man to medical help by transporting him downriver on a raft.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Same Stuff as Stars
This novel features a resilient but lonely, young girl who accepts the responsibilities of raising her brother in the absence of their parents. Left with their fragile great-grandmother, Angel copes with loneliness and the absence of parental love. A kind uncle and a benevolent librarian ignite the girl's passion for literature and astronomy. Convincing the neglected girl that she too is "made of the same stuff as stars" serves as a multilayered metaphor for this novel.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $11.50
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Silent Boy
Katy, a doctor's daughter, lives a privileged life in New England and often accompanies her father on his visits to families during which she witnesses the harsh realities of life. Peggy, the hired girl, has a 13-year-old brother, Jacob, who is silent and has a fondness for animals. A fragile companionship develops between Katy and Jacob and Katy learns that Jacob is at fault for a baby's death. The photographs of characters and scenes add to the historical detail of the story.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $11.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Sweater
This video is an animated version of Roch Carrier's book, "The Hockey Sweater." It is set in the 1940s, when listening to the hockey game on the radio was a Saturday night tradition, as well as rooting for the Montréal Canadiens. All the boys worshipped Maurice "Rocket" Richard and proudly wore number 9 on their hockey sweaters. The boy in the story outgrows his hockey sweater, so his mother writes to Mr. Eaton for a new one. Instead of the coveted red, white and blue of the Canadiens, the company sends a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey. Imagine the young player's chagrin when he shows up at the neighbourhood rink in the blue and white colours of the arch-enemy.
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Thief Lord
Two urchin brothers are offered protection by a gang of street children and their ringleader, the Thief Lord. Embroiled in a life of petty crimes, the two boys yearn for an opportunity to leave this venue. As a detective uncovers the identity of the Thief Lord and the location of the boys' hideaway, the plot takes a surprising twist. Elements of fantasy are intertwined as the ruffians steal a piece of a magic carousel that possesses the power to change a child to an adult and vice versa.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Underground Reporters
The Underground Reporters tells the true story of John Freund and Ruda Stadler, two Jewish boys who encourage their community to endure through the atrocities of the Holocaust. The boys create an underground newspaper that instills hope within the Jewish ghettos. The boys wrote 22 editions of Kleppy (which means gossip in Czechoslovakian) before being sent to Auschwitz.
This book explains the many struggles that the Jewish people faced during World War II. The numerous photographs and visuals from the original newspapers make this book interesting to read. One of the survivors, John Freund, immigrated to Canada in the 1950s.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
The Vocabulary-Enriched Classroom: Practices for Improving the Reading Performance of All Students in Grades 3 and Up
The book presents best practices to improve vocabulary instruction. The strategies are practical, classroom-based and can be used with reluctant readers and gifted learners. Chapters are sequential so an understanding of basic vocabulary principles are presented before they are taught to students with diverse needs. Novice and experienced educators would find this publication useful. The author suggests that educators can use the content of the book as a basis to re-examine their literacy instructional practices.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $32.99
Record posted/updated: May 24, 2017
The Westray Tragedy: A Miner's Story
This is the story of the coal mine disaster that happened on May 9, 1992, in Pictou County, Nova Scotia. The miners knew a tragedy was going to occur; they just did not realize when it would happen. Miners who complained about the lack of safety were silenced by fear of dismissal. The Westray Mine was open for only eight months before the massive explosion occurred. Comish, the author, was involved with the attempted rescue of the 26 men trapped in the mine.
The National Film Board was the recipient of a 2002 Genie for the best documentary, Westray.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
The Winter People
This historical novel is based on Bruchac's family history. Major Rogers leads an attack in 1759 on the Abenaki village of St. Francis in Quebec. The people of the village are closely tied to the French colonists. The story is narrated by Saxso, who feels he did not do enough to protect his mother and little sisters. The readers will follow Saxso in his efforts to save his family. Saxso is depicted as religious with beliefs from both the Abenaki and Christian teachings. The Winter People is a heartbreaking story that depicts the Abenaki viewpoint of the war.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.50
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Wreckers
John Spencer survives a shipwreck off the barren coast of Cornwall. The community of Cornwall lures storm-tossed ships to crash upon the sharp rocks of its shore so people can feed and clothe themselves with the loot salvaged from the wreckage. John must try to save his father from a wrecker and in the process, learns about the people of Cornwall.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $7.99
Record posted/updated: January 2, 2019
Tiger in Trouble
In this sequel to Tiger by the Tail, Sarah and her brother Nick spend a week at an exotic animal farm where they learn of the owner's illegal scheme of selling endangered animals. The two siblings come to the rescue of innocent animals as an overheard conversation details the plans to slaughter a tiger for the medicinal value of its body parts. A dangerous plan involves the assistance of a neighbour, Mr. McCurdy, to save the animal. This novel explores environmental and ethical issues in today's society.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $7.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Tiktala dreads the sea, but she is more afraid of being alone. As she closes her eyes and plunges into the sea, she sees that instead of mittens, she has silver-grey fur and black claws-flippers. Tiktala is transformed into a harp seal.
In this narrative, Tiktala experiences life as a harp seal and develops an appreciation for the natural world. As she returns to human form, Tiktala has gained the necessary insight needed to carve soapstone.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Tracking Triple Seven: Grizzly on the Tundra
A teenaged urban boy, grief-stricken from the loss of his mother, is sent to live with his workaholic father in the Canadian North. Lured by the work of a team of biologists, Benji becomes involved in the tracking of a female grizzly bear named Triple Seven. Named for a collar transmitter device, the wily bear helps the young boy come to terms with his loss. Alternating between the boy's and the bear's point of view, readers view the grizzlies' fight for survival and the protection of their cubs. Based on scientific knowledge, this novel presents a view of life on the tundra and the co-existence of its inhabitants.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Truth and Lies
Mike is at the centre of attention in this murder mystery because a witness has identified him near the crime scene. His alibis do not check out with the police and the people around him find it difficult to trust Mike because he has lied to them in the past. Mike must find evidence to prove his innocence before he is convicted for the murder of his classmate, a crime he did not commit.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $7.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Tunnels of Treachery: Moose Jaw Time Travel Adventure # 3(Updated edition)
Readers will learn about the discrimination against Chinese-Canadians in the 1920s through the time-travel experience of the twins, Kami and Eddie. The twins learn first-hand what their grandparents experienced as they were forced into work gangs at laundromats and grocery stores. The government forced the people to pay a head tax to become legal immigrants. As the plot develops, readers will witness a period of history in Saskatchewan that is not usually discussed. This republished, updated third book in the children’s adventure series features more contemporary phrases and storyline, the addition of 12 black and white illustrations, historical notes, reference to other useful resources on the topic, discussion questions, and a Get Creative section.
Awards: Best Books for Kids and Teens 2023, Canadian Children's Book Centre
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $19.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Under a Shooting Star
Readers will be plunged into 1812 Canada, as Edward, Kate and Anne deal with danger and intrigue in their adventure. Edward Wolf McNeill, a 15-year-old Canadian of British and Oneida heritage, is escorting two American sisters home from England when their journey is interrupted by the War of 1812.
This historical novel is more than an adventure story. The novel considers pacifism at a time when war was considered to be an honourable activity. The strength of the novel lies in the search for individual and internal acceptance of young people from different cultures and family relationships.
This book was an honour title for the 2001 Bilson Historical Fiction Award.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Waiting for Pelly
In this sequel to Pelly, Sandra returns to the river to look for the pelican she befriended the previous year. Pelly migrated with the other pelicans on their annual trip south for winter and Sandra cannot find Pelly at the river or at the Redberry Lake Pelican Study Project.
Glaze has chosen an interesting format by alternating the chapters between Sandra's and Pelly's points of view. Glaze provides factual information about pelicans, the Redberry Lake Research Centre in Saskatchewan and about nature itself.
The Saskatchewan Young Readers' Choice Willow Awards Committee nominated this book for a Diamond Willow Award in 2004.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
In 1992, the Westray coal mine in Nova Scotia had a devastating accident in which 26 workers were killed instantly. Over the years, the ensuing inquiry has met with little success in bringing those responsible to justice. In this docudrama, information is provided about the perils of coal mining and the struggle between labour and management.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 5, 2018
What If...? Amazing Stories
The authors of the selections in this anthology are Canadian. Most are award winners and all are writers with a particular interest in the realm of science fiction and fantasy.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.99
Record posted/updated: December 31, 2018
When Kids Can't Read: What Teachers Can Do. A Guide for Teachers 6-12
The author shares practical ideas for teachers to use when helping struggling readers. She believes teachers want to help struggling readers, students want to be helped and the right instruction can make a difference.
Beers reminds teachers that anyone can struggle with the text in a book. The issue is what the reader does when the text gets difficult. She provides suggestions to help struggling readers with: comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, word recognition and motivation.
The book includes a table of contents, appendices, references and and index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $49.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Worlds Afire
Based on a true event in 1944, a circus fire in Hartford, Connecticut kills 167 people and injures many more. Janeczko's poetic novel includes haunting poems that describe the events in the voices of 29 eyewitnesses including children, adults, circus people, the audience and the townspeople.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Angela is an imaginative 12-year-old who loves to ski. Her family will be spending a week at Jasper. Angela is unaware that an adventure awaits her at the mountains. The polar bears' habitat is deteriorating and for their survival, the bears decide to take matters into their own paws.
The book was nominated for the 2009 Young Adult Literature Award - Saskatchewan Book Awards.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
What are other useful materials? Other Useful Materials
Other useful materials are documents, lesson plans or classroom activities that teachers may find useful in supporting the curriculum, but that have not typically undergone the same formal evaluation process that is required for core and additional resources.
ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Online enables you to connect people, locations, and data using interactive maps. It enables you to work with smart, data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools that deliver location intelligence. It also enables the user to share insights with the world or specific groups. The website contains a tutorial, links to suggested subjects and projects, lesson plans and activities.
Media and Formats : Video Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2022
Assessing, Evaluating, and Reporting Student Progress: Supporting English Language Arts
The purpose of this supporting document is to provide samples of assessment and evaluation tools teachers may use/adapt for their students as teachers implement an effective English Language Arts program.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
CAMPUS is the National Film Board’s exclusive education streaming service available at no cost to all teachers and students in Saskatchewan and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
Media and Formats : Video Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2022
COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Learning Supports for Families and Teachers
This document was created to provide support for parents/guardians when sharing information about the coronavirus with young and school-aged children. The document is also useful for early learning staff and Prekindergarten to Grade 12 teachers.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 8, 2020
Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Grade 7: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students begin to investigate and understand the various types of power and governance within their own country at the local, regional, provincial, national and global levels. As the understanding of the levels of power that govern Canada develop, students compare and contrast those structures and processes with countries operating within Pacific Rim and circumpolar regions that do not operate as democracies.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 21, 2019
Curio is the CBC’s educational streaming service made available at no cost to Saskatchewan teachers and students by the Ministry of Education and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
Media and Formats : Video Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2022
Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity
This document will assist individuals and communities to engage in meaningful discussions and actions to respond to the experiences, perspectives and needs of students and families who are gender and/or sexually diverse (GSD). It will: assist school divisions, central office personnel, administrators, educators, First Nations and Métis organizations and community partners to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity; assist in understanding the unique educational, health and safety needs of staff, students and their families who self-identify as gender and/or sexually diverse; provide practical strategies, suggestions and frequently asked questions to support schools and communities as they work with students to anticipate and overcome challenges related to transphobia, homophobia and heterosexism; acknowledge the shared responsibility of ensuring that all students who identify as gender and/or sexually diverse have the same opportunities for safety, socialization and success in schools; assist educators in planning curricular-based instruction and assessment to meet the unique needs of gender and/or sexually diverse students; and assist school divisions and First Nations and Métis organizations to fulfill their ethical and professional responsibilities to provide safe, equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students regardless of their actual or perceived differences.
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Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 13, 2019
Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools: A Policy Planning Guide for School Divisions and Schools to Implement Digital Citizenship Education from Kindergarten to Grade 12
This document provides guidelines for school divisions and school-based administrators who are developing digital citizenship policies. It is not a prescriptive policy; instead, it offers a roadmap for building appropriate school division policies and school-specific digital citizenship guidelines and procedures. Tools to help teachers, administrators and parents as they get started on the implementation of digital citizenship education for K-12 students are also included.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: September 8, 2022
English Language Arts 7. Context and Unit Grids
The titles in these grids are examples of learning resources to support particular English language arts units for Grade 7.
•  English Language Arts 7. Additional Learning Resources Grid
•  English Language Arts 7. Core Learning Resources Grid
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 25, 2019
Historical Learning Resources Updates
Learning Resources Updates provided an annual supplement to every subject-specific bibliography that supported K-12 curricula.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 2, 2019
Inquiry: Dr. J. Wilhelm Archived Webinar Part 1 "Preparing for Inquiry"
Dr. Jeffrey Wilhelm from Boise State University discusses inquiry learning as represented in Saskatchewan's K-12 curricula. This archived webinar supports teachers as they prepare to plan for inquiry-based teaching and learning. Visit the Saskatchewan School Library Association (SSLA) Inquiry website to find a wide variety of support materials and resources.
Media and Formats : Book Video Website
Topic : Inquiry
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Inquiry: Dr. J. Wilhelm Archived Webinar Part 2 "Planning for Inquiry"
Dr. Jeffrey Wilhelm from Boise State University discusses inquiry learning as represented in Saskatchewan's K-12 curricula. This archived webinar supports teachers in planning for inquiry-based teaching and learning. Visit the Saskatchewan School Library Association (SSLA) Inquiry website to find a wide variety of support materials and resources.
Media and Formats : Book Video Website
Topic : Inquiry
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Listening is an essential part of the communication process. Because much of what students know is acquired through listening, it is essential that students have opportunities to practise the behaviours of effective listeners.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Mysteries, Uncanny Incidents, and Unusual Happenings: A Model Thematic Unit for Grade 7
This unit challenges students to consider the unusual, the mysteries, and the secrets of our world - both real and imagined.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 25, 2019
Opportunities to Address Child Abuse Prevention Education and Response
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
Media and Formats : Document
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Opportunities to Address Substance Misuse in Curriculum
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators are noted.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 18, 2019
Participating and Giving Our Personal Best: A Model Thematic Unit for Grade 7
In this unit, students will have an opportunity to read, listen to and view a variety of texts that revolve around involvement and participation in activities associated with sports.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 25, 2019
Reading is more than the decoding of written words into sound. Reading is a complex communication process that requires thought and individual construction of meaning.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Representing allows students to make sense of their learning and to demonstrate their understanding in a variety of ways.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation's Indigenous Resources Review Committee Suggested Resources
These titles have been suggested by the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation's Indigenous Resources Review Committee. Before using these resources in the classroom, educators should consider the sensitive, emotional issues related to tragic events in Indigenous history and consult their local resources evaluation policy.
•  Central Urban Métis Federation Inc. (CUMFI)
•  Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN)
•  FourDirectionsTeachings.com
•  Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
•  Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan
•  Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S)
•  The Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture
•  Unreserved
Media and Formats : Book Website
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: September 30, 2021
Shattering the Silence: The Hidden History of Indian Residential Schools in Saskatchewan
This resource extracts, reorganizes and compiles the school-specific Saskatchewan elements of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation reports and primary school documents as well as incorporates other resources and former residential school student accounts that have been recorded and published online.
Media and Formats : Book Document
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 13, 2019
Oral communication is a vital component of the English language arts curriculum and provides the base for growth in viewing, listening, reading, representing and writing abilities. Effective speakers use both verbal and non-verbal communication.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Summarized Outcomes Across Areas of Study for Grades 6-9
This document is intended to assist teachers to integrate subjects across the curriculum.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: August 4, 2021
Supporting Reconciliation in Saskatchewan Schools
This site has been created by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education to support school staffs to work together to expand their understanding of truth and reconciliation as well as the history and legacy of residential schools. It contains tools and resources to support important conversations and professional development opportunities.
Media and Formats : Website
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 22, 2019
Teachers Make the Difference: Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities at Middle and Secondary Levels
This document is a tool for teachers and professionals striving to address the unique learning needs of students who are struggling academically. These students may have characteristics of learning disabilities, or they may be identified as students with learning disabilities.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Teaching Sensitive Content in the Classroom

The purpose of the presentation is to describe strategies teachers can use to approach content that may be perceived as sensitive in their community in order to:

  • ensure the learning environment is safe for respectful dialogue;
  • teach students how to think critically about any topic with an open mind; and,
  • meet curricular outcomes.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2022
The Adaptive Dimension for Saskatchewan K-12 Students
The Adaptive Dimension refers to the concept of making adjustments to any or all of the following variables: learning environment, instruction, assessment and resources. Adjustments to these variables are intended to make learning meaningful and appropriate and to support student achievement. In the
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.
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Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: September 4, 2024
Treaty Education Learning Resource
The Kindergarten to Grade 9 Treaty Education Learning Resource is designed for teachers to assist them in integrating the Treaty content and perspective with Saskatchewan's curricula and is based on the inquiry method of teaching. It provides information about Treaties, First Nations people and the history of what is now known as Saskatchewan, as well as sample learning experiences, assessment ideas and suggested resource materials to support teachers in the development of their lessons.
Media and Formats : Website
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: March 11, 2020
Treaty Education Outcomes and Indicators
The Treaty Education outcomes and indicators at each grade level are designed to engage learners on a journey of inquiry and discovery. When meaningfully and thoughtfully incorporated into subject areas, Treaty Education moves beyond an idea to become actualized as a belief that benefits all learners.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 13, 2019
Truth and Reconciliation Resources - English Language Arts
The titles listed below may support instruction in the classroom related to the history, work and ideals of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). These resources have not undergone the full evaluation process that is carried out for core and additional resources. Before using these resources in the classroom, educators should consider the sensitive emotional issues related to the work of the TRC and consult their local resources evaluation policy. Resources that appear on the core and additional resources lists and support the ideals of the TRC can be found by clicking on Truth and Reconciliation in the Filter by Content section of any resources list on the curriculum site that contains titles on this topic.
(More information)
•  Kookum's Red Shoes
•  Voices Through the Ages - Reconstructing the Past. Residential Schools
Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 21, 2022
Whether students are viewing a picture, an illustration, a sign, a magazine, a television cartoon, an advertisement, a commercial, a DVD, a social networking site on the Internet or any other visual text, they need to make sense of it and respond appropriately.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Writing is a complex process that allows writers to explore thoughts and ideas, and to make them visible and concrete. Writing and thinking are interwoven. Thinking is the foundation of writing and, because thinking is central to learning, students who are able to make their thought processes concrete through writing enhance learning capabilities.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019