Examine the significance of God's covenantal relationship with humanity through the stories of:
  • Moses
  • David
  • selected prophets of the Old Testament.
([SH, KG])
Examine the history of the development of the four Gospels and consider implications for faith formation. ([KG])
Contrast the Mosaic Law perspective on morality and sin with a contemporary Christian perspective of relationship building with God. ([SH, DHP, CH])
Express Catholic perspectives on forgiveness, mercy, generosity, justice and joy within the ongoing nature of salvation history. ([SH, SSM])
Investigate the existence, source, and purpose of miracles through examples from:
  • the Old Testament
  • the New Testament
  • the historical era of the past 200 years.
([SH, CH])
Evaluate the essential Christian conviction of Jesus as the Messiah. ([SH, KG, CH])
Investigate Catholic evangelization as a call from God. ([SH, KG, CH])
Examine the benefits, challenges and responsibilities of being both a member of a church and an engaged citizen. ([KG, DHP, CH])
Examine Catholic social teachings and actions involving:
  • reverence for life
  • treatment of the marginalized
  • social sin.
([DHP, CH])
Analyze Catholic prayer teachings and reflect on their influence on one's prayer life. ([KG, CH, SSM])
Express personal beliefs about life after death and spiritual beings considering Catholic perspectives and other views. ([KG, CH, SSM])
Examine principles, benefits and challenges of interfaith dialogue. ([SH, KG, DHP, CH, SSM])
Describe how one's experience in a Christian Action Project, rally and/or retreat affects one's life and understanding of the call to evangelize. ([DHP, SSM])