Examine healthy behaviours and opportunities and begin to determine how these behaviours and opportunities may affect personal well-being.
Determine, with support, the importance of the brain, heart, and lungs and examine behaviours that keep these organs healthy.
Analyze, with support, feelings and behaviours that are important for nurturing healthy relationships at school.
Determine and practise safe pedestrian/street behaviours and examine related safety challenges in the community.
Explore the association between a healthy sense of "self" and one's positive connection with others and the environment.
Examine initial steps (i.e., Stop, Think, Do) for making basic choices regarding healthy behaviours; healthy brain, heart, and lungs; healthy relationships; pedestrian/street safety; and a healthy sense of self.
Apply the steps of Stop, Think, and Do (with guidance) to develop healthy behaviours related to a healthy brain, heart, and lungs; healthy relationships; pedestrian/street safety; and a healthy sense of self.